The Influence of Entrepreneurship Subjects,Entrepreneurial Motivation, Family Support for Entrepreneurial Decision Making in Pusmanu Polytechnic Office Administration Students
Based on the 2015-2024 population projection from the 2015 inter-census populationsurvey (Supas) the population growth of Indonesia until 2020 will reach 269.6 millionpeople consisting of 135.34 million men and 134.27 women. A total of 66.07 millionpeople fall into the category of unproductive age (0-4 years), 185.34 million areproductive age groups (15-64 years) and as many as 18.2 million people are alreadyunproductive age population. Based on these data, the rapid population growth andthe increasing number of workers must be balanced with the number of available jobs,one solution that can help the number of available jobs is by entrepreneurship and canreduce the unemployment rate, so that the support of factors the underlying factors ofentrepreneurship interest must be raised, namely the knowledge of entrepreneurshipsubjects, entrepreneurship motivation, and support from the family. For this reason, astudy was conducted on students at the Pusmanu Polytechnic Office AdministrationStudy Program to find out how far they had entrepreneurial decisions with these threefactors. Methods of data collection using questionnaires and using quantitativeanalysis using SPSS. Based on a questionnaire from 50 respondents, the results showthat entrepreneurship subjects have a significance value of 0.117, which means thereis no significant effect of entrepreneurship subjects on entrepreneurial decisionmaking, while the significance value of entrepreneurship motivation variable is 0,000because the Sig. 0,000 <probability 0.05 which means that there is a significant effectof entrepreneurial motivation on entrepreneurial decision making and the significancevalue of family support variables is 0.023. Which means it has a significant influenceon family support for entrepreneurial decision making.