Culinarity Business Empowerment Ex-Commercial Sex Women Post- Closure Localization Dolly Surabaya
The purpose of this research was to determine the community empowerment onwomen ex-commercial sex and affected residents after the closure of localization inthe area Dolly Surabaya. This is because after Dolly in close neighborhood manynight workers who lose their livelihoods. Hand under the auspices of the leadership ofMrs. Tri Rismaharini want to change the negative view of the general public againstDolly area so as to improve the economy and living standards of the ex-commercialsex women. This research uses the approach by Fahrudin that explains there are sevenstages in empowerment. The first stage of engangement, assessment, designing, stageFormulate action plans, and then implementation, evaluation and finaldisanggangement. The method used by descriptive qualitative data collectiontechniques of deep interviews and observations. The results showed thatempowerment has been successfully performed. It is seen from the empowerment ofpreparation done by the Surabaya city government in collaboration with NGOs thatGMH. Then, for the assessment carried out by community leaders with menkajiinterests and passions of the former prostitutes and affected residents to try. Whilealternative planning stage to determine the program of activities do what you want todo, what kind of program and technical implementation. In this case the selectedprogram is a culinary business with this type of program and technicalimplementation Samiler chips with membranding SAMIJALI. Pemformulasian phaseaction by making a proposal by GMH to be aired on TV. The next stage is theimplementation of the program to create a timeline in accordance with the planning sothat implementation is scheduled and easy to implement. Empowerment anddevelopment still needs to be done continu by the Surabaya city government in orderto boost the local economy dolly area. In addition, in order to change the view of thegeneral public become more positive.