Community Participation in Utilization of Village Funds on Empowerment of Islamic Communities in East Lampung District

  • Muhamad Rudi Wijaya UIN Raden Intan Lampung, Indonesia
  • M. Bahri Ghazali UIN Raden Intan Lampung, Indonesia
  • Sonhaji UIN Raden Intan Lampung, Indonesia
  • Heni Noviarita UIN Raden Intan Lampung, Indonesia
Keywords: Community participation, Community empowerment, Village fund


Community participation as one of social capital in development plays an important role in community decision making by the village government together with the community.  The purpose of this research is to know, study and analyze the  community participation and empowerment in utilizing village funds.

This research was conducted using qualitative,  descriptive analysis methods. The sources of informant data in this study were the Village Government and the Community as subjects and objects in community empowerment, as well as BPS data and other sources that support research. Data collection methods using interviews, and settings.

The results showed that community participation in the implementation of  village fund utilization program was carried out in several stages, the first is the Program of Planning stage that included the Village Deliberation (MusDus), the Formation of the RPJMDes, the Formation of the RKPDes, the Formation of the Local Budget, the Second is  the  Implementation included the formation of an activity in implementing committee (TPK), and the third evaluation.  Community empowerment includes several fields, namely Education, Health, Technology, Social and Economic Improvement, Government Institution Improvement. Empowerment programs carried out in East Lampung Regency, especially in Labuhan Ratu Baru Village and Purwodadi Mekar Village. In their implementation,  involving  the community in making policies in the program is important, but not many of them have not fully derived their aspirations from the community. Thus the need of  community awareness and village government to engage  each other and involve the  village development.

How to Cite
Rudi Wijaya, M., Ghazali, M. B., Sonhaji, & Noviarita, H. (2020). Community Participation in Utilization of Village Funds on Empowerment of Islamic Communities in East Lampung District. Prosiding ICSMR, 1(1), 60-73. Retrieved from