Estimation of The Potential of Superior Teak (JUN) Copiesin the Nusa Bangsa University Experiment, Cogreg

  • Kustin Bintani M Study Program Forestry, Forestry Faculty, Nusa Bangsa University, Bogor, Indonesia
  • Bambang Supriono Study Program Forestry, Forestry Faculty, Nusa Bangsa University, Bogor, Indonesia
  • Nizar Study Program Forestry, Forestry Faculty, Nusa Bangsa University, Bogor, Indonesia
Keywords: Copies, Volume, JUN, Estimation, Potential


JUN copies at the Nusa Bangsa University Garden has an area of ​​13 hectares, with an age of 4 to 7 years. The potential for copies in the garden is very important information because it becomes a reference for calculating harvesting costs and the income that can be obtained from the garden. To make it easier and closer to the truth, the estimation of the potential for JUN copies is if the local volume table is known, so that regardless of the diameter growth it will be easy to calculate the volume of stands. The JUN-copies local volume equation is calculated using the Berkhout equation regression analysis (Loetsh, Zohrer and Haller, 1973). This equation is used to estimate the volume of JUN impulses by collecting stand diameter data. As a sample, 100 stands were taken (Loetsh, 1973) by systematically random start. The result obtained is the potential for JUN copies when calculated using the formula V = LBDS x t x f (Anonymous, 1997) obtained 93.350737860884 m3 while using the Volume Table obtained 92.4784902 m3. From the r test, the result is 0.952, which means that the relationship is close, or not significantly different. So that the potential for JUN copies is 92.4784902 m3.
