The Estimation of Amount Erosion in the Candidate Area IUPHHK Cakra Sejati Sempurna Enterprise, Province of Center Kalimantan
The aim of this research is to estimate of amount erosion and erosion hazard level (ehl) in the candidate area IUPHHK (timber forest product utilization business license) Cakra Sejati Sempurna enterprise, area of 45.000 ha. Calculating of amount erosion is determined using USLE (Universal Soil Loss Equation) method and combined by spasial analysis through overlay on maps consists of maps of land system unit, soil type, slope, land cover type. The results show erosion (ton/ha/year) on every land system such as: TWH (Teweh) amount 10,973 - 15,845 and (ehl) very low - low, LWW (Lawanguang) amount 7,317 - 18,109 and (ehl) very low - low, MPT (Maput) amount 4,116 - 19,241 and (ehl) very low - low, MTL (Mantalat) amount 10,061 - 24,900 and (ehl) very low - low, PDH (Pandreh) amount 11,318 - 53,879 and (ehl) very low - low, BRW (Beriwit) amount 26,340 - 163,576 and (ehl) low - moderate. Conclusion that erosion hazard level on covered of secondary dry forest classified from very low until moderate and on slope of 25-24% have (ehl) which is increasing. Erosion hazard level on covered of young grove and bush classified from very low until low.