Organizational Culture In Tourist Services Facing New Habits Adaptation at PT. Sari Ater Hotel & Resort

  • Tarsim Universitas Subang
  • Ade Suparman Universitas Subang
  • Iwan Henri Kusnadi Universitas Subang
  • Tehan Universitas Subang
  • Muhammad Rifqi Baihaqi Universitas Subang
Keywords: Organizational culture in tourist services


The purpose of this research is to determine the organizational culture at PT. Sari Ater Hotel & Resort. This research uses qualitative methods, which are based on information or reality that occurs in the field. The procedures in qualitative methods are: deliberate retrieval of informants, open data collection, analysis of text or images, presentation of information in the form of pictures and tables, and personal interpretation for the findings.

The results showed that organizational culture in tourist services faced New Habit Adaptation at PT. Sari Ater Hotel & Resort is not optimal yet. Some of the indicators that are not yet optimal are People Focus, Risk Tolerance, Reward Criteria, Conflict Tolerance, Open-system Focus, while the indicators that have been optimal are the Member Identity, , Group Emphasis, Unit Integration, Control (Supervision), and Means -ends Orientation (Oriented Way).
