Analysis of Factors Affecting Job Loyalty Towards Employee Performance At PT. Krakatau Bandar Samudra, Cilegon
Loyalty could be defined as loyalty, devotion and trust given or addressed to a person or institution. Which there is a sense of love and responsibility to complies the effort to provide the best service and behavior on their roles. While performance is the quality and quantity of work achieved by an employee in carry out his duties in accordance with the responsibilities assigned to him. The research method used in this research is a survey, which correlation techniques, while the target in this study is PT. Krakatau Bandar Samudra Cilegon Banten and for a population of data is 397 people, with an error rate of 10%, the number of samples set is 95 people. Analysis of variable X obtained an average of 4.254 means that job loyalty at PT. Krakatau Bandar Samudra Cilegon is Good category as much as 85%. And the analysis of variable Y obtained an average of 4.246, which means the performance of the employees of PT. Krakatau Bandar Samudra is Good category at 84%. The product moment coefficient analysis obtained r = 0.774 meaning that it has a strong or significant correlation between variable X and variable Y. The variable relationship pattern is indicated by a simple linear regression equation, namely Y = 11.875 + 0.719 X. This shows us that the variance that occurs in the job loyalty variable can affect employee performance 59.9% while the remaining 40.1% is influenced by other factors not examined