Designing Educational Game of Logical Thinking Based Unity 3D for Understanding Science Concept Students As a Part of Holistic Thinking
The development of the digital world should have a big impact on Indonesian education. However, based on the education quality survey reported by PISA, Indonesia is ranked 72 out of 77 countries in the world. One of the causes is the low understanding of basic knowledge possessed by students. Subsequent research has shown that there is a positive correlation between logical thinking and understanding students of science concept. Based on this background, this paper discussed the designing application logical thinking game based unity 3D for understanding students of science concept as a part of holistic thinking. The application was developed based on Android using C# language and Unity 3D game engine. The system development method that is done is the waterfall model. The steps are taken requirements analysis, design, coding, system testing, and maintenance. Based on the system testing that has been done, this educational game application can work well with 100% success. With this educational game application, it is hoped that it can improve students understanding of science concept holistically based on logical thinking