The Influence of Capital on The Remaining Cooperative Business Results Save the Loan and Impact onQuality of The Financing

  • R. Susanto Hendiarto Faculty of Business and Management, Widyatama University, Bandung
  • Vincentia Wahju Widajatun Faculty of Business and Management, Widyatama University, Bandung
Keywords: Own capital, outside capital, residual business and quality of financing.


The advantage is not the main goal of cooperative effort, but the effort managed by cooperatives must obtain the remaining viable business results so that cooperatives can maintain its survival and improve its business ability. This research was conducted to know the factors of capital and outside capital against the remainder of the business results and its impact on the quality of the concern. The analytical technique to be used in this study is to use a double linear regression analysis technique expanded with a pathway analysis method to obtain a comprehensive pictureof the relationship between variables one and another variable. The research Unit used in this study is the cooperative for the loan in Subang Regency period 2017-2019. Population in this research is all the cooperatives that are registered in the Department of Cooperatives and SMES regency of Subang, amounting to 35. The sampling techniquesin this study are based on nonprobability sampling methods using the purposive sampling approach so as to elect as many as 14 cooperatives. Based on the results of theresearch that has been done is known simultaneously all variables have a significant influence. However, partial testing of the outside capital variables has no significant effect on the rest of the business results, while the capital variables themselveshave significant influence over the remainder of the business outcome, and the residual variables of the business results also have a significant influence on the quality of financing.
