The Impact of External Business Environment on Marketing Strategic Impacting Marketing Performance in the Retail Industry in Bandung

  • Dicky Jhon Anderson ButarButar Faculty of Business and Management, Widyatama University, Bandung
  • Annisa Lisdayanti Faculty of Business and Management, Widyatama University, Bandung
Keywords: external business environment, marketing strategy, marketing performance


This research specifically wants to know the influence of external business environment directly or indirectly to the marketing strategy and marketing performance of the retail industry in the city of Bandung. The population in this study amounted to 442 minimarkets with Slovin formula to determine samples, obtained 82 samples to be researched. The type of research used in this study is quantitative research. Based on the results of statistic processing and referring to the discussion that has been shown earlier, this study found that partial testing concluded that there was a significant relationship between the external environment to the marketing strategy. There is a direct positive and significant influence marketing strategy towards marketing performance. There is a positive and significant influence between the external environment on marketing performance and marketing strategies as a intervening variable. The magnitude of the R Square value is 0.781, this suggests that external environmental contributions and marketing strategies against marketing performance are 78.1% while the remaining 21.9% are contributions from other variables not included in the study. So the ability to understand the external environmental conditions well will help the accuracy in decision-making strategies and impact on the marketing performance improvement of the retail industry Minimartket Bandung.
