International Trade Variables as a Macroeconomics PerformanceIn North Penajam Paser

  • Giri Nurpribadi International Trade,Economic Growth, Inflation , Import Export
Keywords: International Trade,Economic Growth, Inflation , Import Export


New State Capital had been determined as part of Penajam Paser Utara Regency and as part of Kutai Kertanegara Regency, but to provide decision need argumentation which dependson method. First Author will use tools to determine New State Capital, so that economics criterium to design New State Capital more clearly as a state capital which have got capabilities to provide a World Class Services,Smart City with modern managementand Strategic Location in middle area Indonesia Archipelago,detail mapping in East Kalimantan Province and also to avoid disaster problems.Economics as standard parameters to know aboutwelfare, with International Trade variables for global prosperity scope, such asvInternational Business perspective,for example ExportandImport.Normally,all variables,include Independent VariablesX1 = InflationX2= ImportX3= Export,Dependent Variables : Economic Growth.Explanations about fluctuation data every variables shall be influencing welfare New State Capital. New State Capital in location Penajam Paser Utara Regency and Kutai Kertanegara Regency, include two regency at one Province as a New State Capital.Research Methods need quantitative models from statisticsto display macroeconomics performance in East Kalimantan, to gains properly output data for Dependent Variables.Dependent variables had been defined as a Economic Growth.Economic Growth can influenced byInternational Trade Variables.The indicators of economic variables which influence inflation is Consumer Price Index. Monthly Economic Review between 2017 until 2019 had been listed
