Designing Collaborative Clinical Supervision Toward English Learning Based On Scientific Approach Of Junior High Schools
This research is aimed toestablish a model of collaborative clinical supervision toward English learning based on scientific approach inIslamicJunior High Schools. The prototype model was used to give a professional help to the teachers of English in improving the English learning based on scientific approach and teacher’s professionality. Theresearh was categoraized as Design and Development Research (D & D). The design and development model was based on ADDIE model. The design fasesconsisted of Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation.The model of collaborative clinical supervision was analyzed by the expert of learning supervision.To collectt the data, the researcher did interview, questionnare, and documentation. The analysis used in collecting the data was descriptive qualitative.Prototype model Validation measurements consisted of three criteria including procedures of clinical supervision, collaborative supervisory procedures, and scientific approach to English teaching procedures covering their instruments with five aspects of meausrements.Three experts involved in this processwere validated the prototype model of collaborativeclinical supervision.From the first validator the prototype model obtained 92.5%, from the second validator it obtained90%, and from the third validator it obtained 86%. It means the percentage of prototype model obtainedaverage89.5%. The prototype model of collabortaive clinical supervision is valid and can be used without any revision