Development of BIPA Textbook as a Facility to Improve Active Communication for Novice Learners

  • Retma Sari English Department/ FKIP, Tidar University, Magelang, Indonesia
  • Dzikrina Dian Cahyani Indonesian Language and Literature Department / FKIP, Tidar University, Magelang, Indonesia
Keywords: BIPA, textbook, active communication, novice learners


It is an important, BIPA learners especially from foreign students and tourist need to understand the concept of communication in Indonesian so that what is targeted will be achieved. The BIPA (Bahasa Indonesia bagi Penutur Asing) Program has an important role not only in introducing Indonesian but also its customs and culture to the world. The uniqueness of Indonesia that is served as an attraction for foreigners to learn about Indonesia, including language. Because BIPA does not only offer Indonesian language learning but as a venue for cultural diplomacy, it needs an integrated learning concept through a textbook so that learners will increasingly understand Indonesian society and culture in a more integrated and comprehensive way. The availability of BIPA textbooks is still limited especially, BIPA handbooks for active and interesting communication especially for novice or beginning learners is a major obstacle in learning. Along with the demands of the learner, it is necessary to have a more practical and communicative textbook renewal. This research is a research development by adopting research paths from Borg & Gall (1983), where the data obtained will be analyzed numerically and analytically descriptive. Furthermore, verbal data and mapping of BIPA learning domains are used to develop textbook designs.
