Students' higher-order thinking skills through problem-based learning in Bandung

  • Mike Tumanggor Ekonomic Education, UPI, Indonesia
  • Ade Soband Ekonomic Education, UPI, Indonesia
  • Janah Sojanah Ekonomic Education, UPI, Indonesia
Keywords: higher-order thinking skills, problem-based learning


Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) is a skill that must be possessed by students today. From the results of observations, it shows that students of SMAN 15 Bandung do not fully have HOTS in Economics, especially for Class X MIPA who choose Economics as aCross-interest subject. One of the learning methods that can practice HOTS ability is the Problem Based Learning (PBL) method. The purpose of this study is to analyze whether the PBL method can improve students' HOTS ability compared to using the conventional method in this case the discussion method. The method used in this research is Quasi Experimental with Non Equivalent Control Group Design. The purposive sampling technique was used in the selection of samples, namely Class X MIPA 4 as an experimentalclass totaling 34 people and Class X MIPA 5 as a control class totaling 36 people. The results of the post test analysis showed that the HOTS value data of students was normally distributed and homogeneous so that the one way ANNOVA statistical test was used. Hypothesis test results showed that the learning method variable obtained F value = 11.101 and p = 0.002 <0.05 means that for the first hypothesis test was accepted, that there were differences in students' critical thinking skills using the problem based learning method with the discussion method. Based on N-Gain high level thinking skills, it can be concluded that there are differences in high level thinking skills of students before and after using the Problem Based Learning method in the experimental class with an increase categorized as high. It can be concluded that the PBL learning method influences students' HOTS
