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Keywords: Distance Education, Online and Distance Learning, Teaching Learning Process, Technology in Education, Technology Interventions


Today, evolution of technology has revolutionized every field of life including teaching-learning process. The continuous changes in teaching tools, learning environment, sources of knowledge, learning methods and role of teachers have been being constantly noticed. Now, open and distance education allows the student and teacher to be physically distantduring teaching-learning process and sustaincommunication in a variety of meansusing various tools of communication technologies. This need of maintainingcommunication in a variety of ways invites the intervention of technologies in the teaching-learning process. This paper accessesthe technological intervention in online and distance education. Moreoverit also highlightsthe perspective and challenges for online and distance education environment. This paper uses the survey and interviews method for collection of data. The data is collected from stakeholders involved in open and distanceeducation. The outcome of the paper underlines that both teachers and students strongly supported the important role of technology in distance education and the attitude of learners towards educational technologies was also found encouraging. However, the level of technological interventions in distance education was found quite low. It also highlights that lack of financial resources, trained human resources and technological infrastructure were recorded as the main barriers to the technology integration in open and distance education.
