The Symbolic Violence Towards Private School Students Through The Frame Stereotype In Bantaeng District Of Indonesia
Private school actors, governments and the public commit symbolic
violence against private school students through negative stereotype frames and
construct positive stereotype frames for public school students in a social
practice. The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors causing private school
actors, government and society to commit symbolic violence against private
school students through stereotype frames and find positive symbolic
violence. This research was conducted using mixed methods concurrent
embedded methods in 6 private schools and 6 public schools. Qualitative research
informants as many as 43 people were determined usingpurposive sampling while
quantitative research respondents as many as 301 people were determined
using random sampling . Data collection was carried out using Likert and
Gutman scale questionnaire sheets, direct observation sheets, structured
interview sheets and document notes. Qualitative data that has been collected is
analyzed through the stages of data reduction, data display
then draws conclusions, while quantitative data are analyzed through the stages
of verification, tabulation and percentage of data. The results showed that the
accumulation of different capital (economic, social culture, baseball) became the
deciding factor of public schools as the dominant class and private schools as a
popular class with religious capital which had an impact on the dominance of
public school classes over private schools in the social sphere (education)
which forms a social practice. Symbolic violence is carried out through the
mechanism of positive stereotype frames for public school students
and negative stereotype frames for private school students. Symbolic violence
does not always have negative implications but also has positive /
constructive implications because students and private school actors make
stereotypes as motivation in fighting (the realm) to form new habitus towards
more positive changes in social practices by optimizing religious
capital possessed