Safe Eco Exhaust, Air and Sound Free Pollution-Free Innovation with Cooler Safety Material Based on Silica Aerogel Made from Ash Bagasse Waste

  • Baharudin Priwintoko Universitas Negeri Semarang
  • Riki Sulistyo Universitas Negeri Semarang
  • Wendy Sanjaya Safe Eco Exhaust, Air and Sound Free Pollution-Free Innovation with Cooler Safety Material Based on Silica Aerogel Made from Ash Bagasse Waste
Keywords: Gas Emissions, Safe Eco Exhaust, Silica Aerogel


Indonesia's demographic bonus has an important role in realizing
Indonesia's future success. The total population of Indonesia recorded in 2010
amounted to 238.5 million people and is estimated to increase to 305.6 million
in 2035. The higher the population growth, it is also in line with the needs that
must be met One of the very important needs is the need for transportation
access. At present, the number of vehicles in Indonesia has reached
138,556,669 units with 81.58% of which are motorcycles. Each vehicle has a
standard of eligibility to operate, this is functioned to reduce the impact that can
be caused such as air pollution, noise pollution, and safety of the vehicle.
Muffler (exhaust) becomes a part that plays a very important role, the resulting
gas emissions such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, carbon dioxide, etc.
can endanger human health. To overcome this, the idea of Safe Eco Exhaust was
sparked as a smart solution to reduce air pollution, noise pollution, and also
reduce the heat generated by the vehicle exhaust. The Safe Eco Exhaust design
is projected to reduce CO exhaust emissions below the threshold by utilizing
activated carbon. It is also able to reduce noise and reduce the heat generated
by the exhaust by utilizing silica aerogel silica bagasse aerogel. So that Safe
Eco Exhaust is expected to be able to minimize environmental degradation
towards an independent Indonesia.
