(Analysis of Content of Textbooks of Indonesian History Grade XI at Daarut Tuhid High School Bandung)

  • Iis Husnul Hotimah Student at History Education Study Program, Postgraduate Program, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Dr. Leli Yulifar, M.Pd Student at History Education Study Program, Postgraduate Program, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Keywords: History Text Book, Content Analysis, Historical Explanation.


This research based on the theory put forward by Ernst Nagel that in the process of understanding human experience, the science of history requires the study of motives and other psychological things that are sources of human behavior that have goals that are achieved through action. Thus, one broad view of history is that it is an attempt to understand human experience through psychology, that is historical events are considered to be explained in terms of the goals and actions taken to achieve these goals. This is reinforced by the results of research conducted by Abbott and Black that information about one's goals, the source of those objectives, and plans to achieve these goals form organizational units in the representation of texts in human memory. Both of them then concluded that to arrange the text, intentions and motives of a character or a character in a historical story can be used. So in writing textbooks which are learning resources for students, they must contain historical explanations whose structure can be understood by students. This research focuses on three things, including analysis of historical explanation according to Armbruster and Anderson's theory, analyzing Indonesian History textbook class XI in terms of Minister of Education and Culture Regulation No. 8 year 2016 concerning on school textbooks, finally analyzing elements of the educational history paradigm in the textbook. Using a qualitative approach and using content analysis, the results of the study show that the Indonesian History textbook issued developed by Daarut Tauhid High School already has a historical explanation structure in accordance with the theory of historical explanation from Armbruster and Anderson, but is also still found in several chapters that still adopt historical explanations of traditional styles whose structures are not well organized.
