Implementation of Cultural Festivals in Indonesia Using the Digital Kultur Application as a Form of Performing Arts in the Industrial Era 4.0
Indonesia is the largest archipelagic statewhere it’s main characteristic is the diversity in terms of cultures, customs, and traditions. Indonesianowdayshas become an open country and is able to compete in the rapidchanges ofglobalization. In this overwhelming globalization, national identities are becoming more crucial in this regard. The fourth industrial revolution, known as the industrial era 4.0 which is currently taking place, has a major influence on every aspect of life. Internet of Things (IOT) are the main characteristics of this era. One aspect that is affected by the technological developments is art and culture, especially in the world of performing arts.Digital Kultur is an invention in the form of an application made for organizing various cultural festivals in Indonesia.Itis designed to be one of the solutions to address technological challenges in the world of music and performing arts.By using this application, festival participants are managed online, starting from the registration process, auditions, judgment, up to the result before the final offline festival.The main point of using this application is the effectiveness and efficiency of the operational time of the festival. The music and cultural performances can be held throughout Indonesia, and people will have muchgreater opportunities to participate in various music and cultural festivals by using this application because it can be accessed and applied everywhere in all regions of Indonesia, from Sabang to Merauke, and from Mianggas to Rote Island.