• Ressa Uli Patrissia Graduate Communication Study Program, Prof. Dr. Moestopo (Beragama) University, Jakarta
Keywords: Perceived risk, Exemplification, COVID-19, Exemplar, Persuasion.


This research aims to evaluate the relative impact of each visual, text, and visual and text exemplars taken from Kompas.com COVID-19 news on how it is perceived as a factor in influencing risk. The means of exemplar though versatile and uses widespread in media presentation to provide information and attractiveness of phenomenon for the audience, has received little attention in communication research, especially in Indonesia. An experimental study using post-test only group design in two sub-districts at South Jakarta red zone area followed by ANOVA analysis found that visual, text, and visual and text exemplars exposed to each group have significantly induced risk of contracting COVID-19. A further means plots were also conducted to investigate the tendency that may emerge from previous results. Moreover, the essence of this research also reveals age 18-25 has the lowest perceived risk level, while age 40-50 indicates the highest level. Further, women are seen to have more tendency to have perceived greater risk compared to men. These findings provide new insight into the impact of messages, particularly when engaging exemplification effect in risk communications.
