Based on the results of the observations that the authors took using the questionnaire filling method, it can be concluded from the 27 nurses at the hospital. Aulia Jakarta, 17 of them (63.0%) experienced moderate work stress. Moderate work stress can be a risk for health problems and accidents for workers. If not managed properly, stress on nurses can cause errors in patient care and endanger patient safety. Therefore, researchers are interested in conducting research on factors related to work stress of nurses in hospitals Aulia. This research was conducted to determine the factors associated with the work stress of nurses in hospitals. Aulia Jakarta in 2020. The population of this study are nurses who work in hospitals. Aulia as many as 27 people and the sample used is a total population of 27 people. This study uses a quantitative method with a cross sectional research design. More work stress was experienced by nurses who were in a less good work environment as many as 16 respondents, of which 6 (37.5%) experienced mild work stress, and 10 (62.5%) experienced moderate work stress. Compared to nurses who were in a good work environment, there were 7 respondents, of which 7 (63.6%) experienced mild stress and 4 (36.4%) experienced moderate work stress. However, the analysis results from the Chi-Square statistical test obtained a p-value of 0.000 (p <0.05). So it can be concluded that there is a significant relationship between work stress and the work environment for nurses in hospitals. Aulia Jakarta in 2022. The OR calculation yields a value of 9750.