The Application of State Ideology in Corporate Strategic Management

  • Bambang Tri Cahyono Universitas Pelita Bangsa Bekasi, Indonesia
  • Koes Indrati Universitas Pelita Bangsa Bekasi, Indonesia
  • Abdul Karim Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang, Indonesia
  • Agus Yulistiyono Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang, Indonesia
Keywords: Application, State Ideology, Corporate, Strategic Management


This research tries to find out how big is the relationship between the vision, mission,strategy, tactics, and business of the company in Indonesia with the values containedin State Ideology and how much that connection has advantages over conventionalstrategies that have been carried out by the company. This research is motivatedbythe still low implementation of the State Ideology-based strategy in Indonesia whichis the object of research, especially at the point of implementing thevision of thecompany in incorporating elements ofGodvalues.This study produces findings thatthe value of social justice as a State Ideology-based corporate strategy has a positiveand significant effect on the value of divinity as a corporate strategy with a betacoefficient of0.606 and a coefficient of determination of 0.353. This means that anyincrease in the value ofequity by 1 unit will scale increase divinity value to0.606unit scale.The results of this social justice coefficient explain 35 percent of thevalue of God in the company, while the remaining 65 percent is explained by othervariables outside the regression equation system.The value of social justice that has apositive and significant effect on the value of the one and only divine vision discussedin this study are the company makes an effort to develop the value of social justice forall parties involved that have a positive and significant influence on the vision tobecome a company of God;vision of being a company that upholds diversity;visionof being a company that upholds justice;vision of being a company ofpersonality;vision of being a company of faith;vision of being a charitycompany;vision of being a company that upholds knowledge;vision of being acompany that upholds the truth;the vision of being a company that upholdshonesty;the vision of being a company upholds affection.

How to Cite
Bambang Tri Cahyono, Koes Indrati, Abdul Karim, & Agus Yulistiyono. (2020). The Application of State Ideology in Corporate Strategic Management. Prosiding ICSMR, 1(1). Retrieved from