The Role of Accessibility for Agricultural Development in Kampung Cicayur, Desa Cimenyan, Bandung District

  • Dudi Hendra Fachrudin STIMLOG, Bandung
Keywords: Accessibility, Agricultural Development, Transportation, Rural



In rural areas, accessibility (which is characterized by the presence of roads, transportation, topography, distance, time and cost) is one factor that can stimulate the growth of agricultural development (in this case characterized by the presence of markets, technology, information, production facilities and capital) . Several studies have been carried out to see the extent of the relationship between transportation and accessibility, and the effect of accessibility on the socioeconomic characteristics of rural communities. And the results of the study stated that transportation affects agricultural development and accessibility affects the socioeconomic characteristics of rural communities. For this reason, the authors are interested in examining the extent of the effect of accessibility on agricultural development. The purpose of this study is to find out how the role of accessibility to agricultural development is and to outline the factors that influence agricultural development in Kampung Cicayur, Cimenyan Village, Bandung regency. The research approach used is a quantitative research approach. The analytical method used in this study is a simple regression analysis. Based on the results of the analysis it can be concluded that accessibility with indicators of the road network, transportation, topography, distance, time and cost affect the development of agriculture which has market, technology, information, production facilities and capital indicators. The influence is 59.9% or moderate category, and the rest is still quite large (40.1%) is another variable or factor that also affects agricultural development. These variables or other factors can be used as further research plans.

How to Cite
Fachrudin, D. H. (2020). The Role of Accessibility for Agricultural Development in Kampung Cicayur, Desa Cimenyan, Bandung District. Prosiding ICSMR, 1(1), 117-125. Retrieved from