The Influence of Motivation and Work Discipline on Employee Performance at the Yogyakarta Tourism Service
This study aims to determine the effect of motivation and work discipline on employee performance at the Yogyakarta Tourism Office. The method used is explanatory research with analysis techniques using statistical analysis with regression testing, correlation, determination and hypothesis testing. The results of this study, motivation has a significant effect on employee performance by 47.5%, hypothesis testing is obtained t count> t table or (7,052> 2,004). Work discipline has a significant effect on employee performance by 30.3%, hypothesis testing is obtained t count> t table or (4,892> 2,004). Motivation and work discipline simultaneously have a significant effect on employee performance with the regression equation Y = 10.258 + 0.428X1 + 0.332X2 and the contribution of the effect is 53.7%, hypothesis testing obtained F count> F table or (31.275> 2.780).