Analysis of The Influence of Akulaku Application Quality on User Satisfaction Using Netqual Method

  • Rini Malfiany STMIK Rosma
  • Donny Apdian STMIK Rosma
Keywords: Quality, Akulaku Application, Netqual Method


This study aims to determine the effect of akulaku application quality on user satisfaction using the Netqual method. The method used is the netqual method with research variables including information, user convenience, site design, reliability and security / privacy as measured by each statement for each dimension. The population in this study were the Karawang community who used the Akulaku application. The sample used in this study were 40 respondents who were taken using the snowball sampling technique by first identifying someone who was included in the research criteria. Then based on the direct and indirect relationship in a network, the next respondent was found. and data collection methods using the method of observation, interviews, questionnaires with a questionnaire and measurement using a Likert scale. The results of the research using the Netqual method from five dimensions show that users are very satisfied using the Akulaku application, but the security of the Akulaku application users is further improved.
