The effects of Person-Supervisor fit and Psychological Empowerment on Employee Creativity and Employee’s Performance

  • Emmelia Tan Pelita Bangsa University
  • Wann-Yih Wu Chinese Culture University
Keywords: psychological empowerment, person-supervisor fit, employee creativity, employee performance, social capital, innovative climate, emotional intelligence.


This study investigates the conditions to promote the creative performance of employees in the workplace. This study develops a research framework and tests it using a sample of 253 Indonesian employees with various occupations and organizations. Individual level assessments are applied with online questionnaires. Regression analysis is used to measure the hypothesis and ANOVA is used to test moderating variables. The study results indicate that personality factors that are high in psychological empowerment makes employee more creative. A better person-supervisor fit will lead to higher employee creativity and performance. Employee creativity will positively effect on job performance. Social capital which means interactions frequently and trust between coworkers and team members will moderate the creativity. Furthermore, contextual factors in organization, an innovative climate will moderate a higher level of employee creativity. Finally, higher emotional intelligence (EI) will moderate a higher level of employee performance. These results indicate all hypotheses are supported. Based on the findings, leader as a supervisor play a role to ensure that the work environment, the climate and the human resource practices are such that creative performance can take place. Organizations also should consider facilitating relations between team members and across departments that support for innovation. Implications and future research’s challenges are discussed.
