Pedagogic Concept Surah Luqman Verse 12-19 (Family Education in Surah Luqman)
Pedagogic concept, family education, Surah Luqman Verses 12-19
The family is the first place a child gets education. Therefore, parents must have knowledge about the best way to educate their children. Al-Qur'an is a guide for a Muslim's life. Inside there is a story of a person who was given privileges by God in educating his child. The story is written in Surah Luqman verses 12-19. The focus of this study is to discuss the pedagogical concept in Surah Luqman Verses 12-19. Literature research is used in this research method. The results of the study indicate that the pedagogic concept of QS. Luqman Verses 12-19 consist of 3 aspects: aqidah education, sharia education, and moral education.