Tourism Development Strategy in Padang City
A tourism development strategy needs to be carried out in accordance with two components, namely the condition of the charm of the tourist attraction and its management. This study aims to obtain data or information and analyze in-depth the strategy for developing coastal tourism objects in the city of Padang. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. The data used are primary data and secondary data. The informants in this study were determined using purposive sampling. The informants in this study are people who live around the location of tourist objects and visitors of tourist objects and the key informants in this study are the managers of tourist objects, the data analysis technique uses data reduction and data display and data validity techniques using an extension of participation, the persistence of observation, triangulation, and inspection. peers through discussion. The results show that (1) The condition of the charm of the beach tourism object is good, seen from the very beautiful natural conditions, but there are several problems that can damage the beauty of nature, one example is the problem of waste that has not been resolved at several locations. (2) The management of beach tourism objects is classified as moderate because there is already a management body formed to maximize management, but there are some irresponsible community elements who even disrupt management activities. (3) The right strategy in developing beach tourism objects in the city of Padang is to establish cooperation between the government, managers, and local communities so that the development of tourist objects can be carried out optimally.