Evaluating The Performance Of An Employee On The Bintan Villa Resto

  • Satriadi Management, STIE Pembangunan, Tanjungpinang
  • Dewi Ratna Sari Management, STIE Pembangunan, Tanjungpinang
  • Imran Ilyas Management, STIE Pembangunan, Tanjungpinang
  • Muhammad Rizki Management, STIE Pembangunan, Tanjungpinang
  • Charly Marlinda
  • Dwi Vita Lestari Soehardi Syariah Business Management, STAIN SAR, Kepulauan Riau
Keywords: Evaluation, Performance, AHP, Employees


The objective of this research is to develop objective work assessment system to  know the performance evaluation of employees de Bintan Villa & Resto. Methods used in this research are the combined and AHP method (Analytical Hierarchy Process). The method using ahp with some techniques, as : decomposition, comparative judgement, synthesis of priority and consistency. Results of the highest to lowest competency rating are technical competencies, managerial competencies and appropriate basic competencies according to manager's statement that technical competencies have alternatives, very required in employee performance evaluation de Bintan Villa & Resto.
