The Analysis of Junior High School Students` Mathematical Reasoning Ability and Self – Concept in Terms of Gender

  • Nurviani Mathematics Education Study Program, Postgraduate School, UniversitasPendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia
  • T Herman Department of Mathematics Education, Postgraduate School, UniversitasPendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia
  • Turmudi Department of Mathematics Education, Postgraduate School, UniversitasPendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Mathematical reasoning ability, self-concept, gender


This descriptive qualitative research aims to determine and to analyze students’ mathematical reasoning ability and self-concept in terms of gender at junior high schoolstudents were grade VII based on triangular and rectangular material. The subjects of this study were all grade VII students of junior high school students as many as 22 students. The instrument of the research were written instruments consisted of four description questions and twenty items questions of self-concept. Those instruments were distributed online through a Google Form because the learning system was carried out online due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The measured indicators of mathematical reasoning were sketch drawing, analogies, proportional reasoning and generalizations. The results indicated that the mathematical reasoning ability of female students perform better than of male students. Besides, the analysis of students’ self-concept based on questionnaire data on mathematical reasoning ability was in a good category.
