Correlationof Faith, Knowledge, and Income on the Amount of Zakat Paid by Muzaqi in District / City, Jambi Province
In human activities and behavior, including economic activities and behavior, Islam outlines three main bases:aqidah, sharia, and akhlak. This research aims to examine muzaqi behavior in fulfilling its obligation to pay zakat, both of zakat fitrah and zakat maal. The sample of this research is muzaqi, who have fulfilled their obligation to pay zakat. The research result shows that the Muzaqi had paid zakat fitrah 100% of total respondents, and only 41.3% paid zakat maal. The main place to pay zakat (78%) is at Amil Zakat in the Mosque or Musholah, while at Baznas it is 14% and in the Zakat Service Unit or Amil Zakat Institution only 8%. The average muzaqi income is Rp. 6,279,600.45 per month. Zakat fitrah paid in the form of money in 2019 is an average of Rp. 36,411.25 per person, and in 2020 an average of IDR 40,931.50.Zakat fitrah, in the form of rice, averages 2.25 kg per person (2019) and 2.56 kg per person (2020).. The amount of zakat maal paid by muzaqi in 2019 is an average of Rp. 2,768,405.19 and in 2020, an average of Rp. 2,310,547.43 or decreased by 16.54% compared to zakat maal in 2019. Based on the test results with χ2, the amount of zakat maal paid by Muzaqi has a significant correlation with the level of faith and level of muzaqi income but has no significant correlation with muzaqi knowledge about zakat.