Business Model Innovation (Case Study of Family Business in Kopo Jujitsu Indonesia (KJI) and Women Self Defense Kopo Ryu (WSDK) in West Java
At a macro level, the number of business actors during the Covid 19 period decreased, including family business people, but for some people, especially for victims of layoffs, this condition forced them to continue to survive, one of the things that was done was to build a business together with their family. The purposes of research are to find out the business conditions in the Kopo Jujitsu Inonesia (KJI) and Women Self Defense Kopo-Ryu environments (WSDK). What business model innovations are carried out by the family businesses in the KJI and WSD environments. This study uses a qualitative method. This type of research is a case study in the KJI and WSDK environments. The data collection method was carried out by in-depth interviews with 10 key informants of family business actors. Participant observation and documentation study. Then the data analysis technique in this study uses data collection, data reduction, display data and conclusions from data analysis. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the condition of the family business shows that all business actors have different business models, currently having almost the same problems, namely market access, use of technology and social media, financing and human resources. Meanwhile, business model innovation is carried out by building creative and innovative businesses, based on information technology, increasing human resources and having a value proposition.