Regular Student and Special Need Students Interaction Pattern In Inclusive School

  • Fauziah Sri Wahyuni Sociology Education Study Program/Postgraduate, UPI, Bandung, Indonesia
  • Achmad Hufad Sociology Education Study Program/Postgraduate, UPI, Bandung, Indonesia
  • Sardin Supriatna Sociology Education Study Program/Postgraduate, UPI, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Interaction, Inclusion, Phenomenology, Talent Performance


Inclusion schools become one of the media that can provide opportunities for special needs students to adapt normally. The talent performanceis one form of efforts undertaken by the Nurul Imam Integrated Islamic School as an inclusive school to bridge the acceptance of special needs students by regular students. So that it can be seen patterns of interactions that occur between regular studentsand special needs students after the talent performanceprogram. The research method used is phenomenology with data collection techniques using interviews,observation and study documentation. Respondents were determined by purposive sampling. The results showed that regular studentacceptance of special needs students varied, the higher thegrade level, the higher the level of acceptance. The level of acceptance is influenced by external factors, one of which is the provision of good understanding and cooperation from parents, educators, and peers to special needs students. This interaction pattern occurs organically, meaning that the results of the actions of one communication process become an impulse for another interaction pattern as George Herbert Mead's theory. The pattern of interactions that formed after the performance program showedthat most of the regular studentswere able to maintain positive communication with special needstudents. This is shown by the general attitude of students from sympathy to empathy, from indifference to sympathy, from refusing to being willing to learn to accept. But a small percentage still showed the same attitude both indifferent and rejection.
