The Effect Of Teacher And Parent Collaboration With Media Contact Books On Numeracy Learning Result In Mild Retarded Children In Grade I Elementary School
This research was carried out aimed at describing the effect of
teacher and parent collaboration with the help media contact books on
numeracy learning result in mild retarded children in grade I elementary
school . The method used was mixed, which is a combination of quasiexperimental time series research design and observation. The population
consisted of 6 students and included participants consisting of 1 class
teacher and 6 parents of students. The pre-test value before treatment was
4.91 average values. While the post-test score was 7.46 on average. Data
analysis using the Wilcoxon test. The calculation results show To = 0 < T
= 2, then Ho is rejected. The conclusion of this study is the collaboration
of teachers and parents with the help of media contact books effect on
increasing numeracy learning outcomes of students with mental
retardation in grade I elementary school. From the results of observation
during the treatment is shown the activity of students is high enough.