The Effect Of Experiential Learning Modelson The Ability Of Historical Mindednessand Historical Empathy(Quasi Experiment At Sman 1 Parongpong)
Thisresearch is motivated by the history of learning in schools that generally still rely on textbooks, teacher center learning and relying on lectures as the main method in the learning process. The purpose of this research is to determine whether there is an effect of the use of experiential learning models on the ability of historical mindedness and historical empathy at SMAN 1 Parongpong. The research method used is a quantitative method with a quasi-experimental research design (quasi-experimental). And the instrument used in this study is a written test, while the instrument analysis technique uses a validity and reliability test. The results showed that t count 4.72> t table 1.67 for the ability of historical mindedness. And for historical empathy t count 3.66> t table 1.67. Thus the experiential learning model has an effect on students' historical mindedness and historical empathy abilities. And there are differences in effect between the application of experiential learning models with conventionalmodels on the ability of students' historical mindedness and historical empathy. This conclusion is the result of obtaining the experimental class gain scoreof 0.43, while the control class has a gain scoreof 0.27 for the ability of historical mindedness, while for historical empathy in the experimental class has a gain score of 0.39, and for the control class has a score amounted to 0.34.