• Giri Nurpribadi Management,Faculty of Economic and Business,Pelita Bangsa University,Bekasi
Keywords: Water Value, Customer,Water Volume, Water Personnel


Until Now, Water famous as resources and capable to natural recirculation, water very required on environment. Management Data had been documented on statistic quantitative in Statistics Central Bureau. Water Management in every regional managed by PDAM to distribute and procurement for society, required for prays, consumption, utilize, sanitation, process engineering, plant growth, fishery activities, and swimming pools, and also beach sport club such as diving, snorkeling.et cetera.

     Research Problem as arguments to identify so that optimalization among some variables within operation management theoretically use regression equation to determine relationship. Calculation, regarding water substantial (pH from 6 until 8.5 with good opinion) as a liquid consumer goods. Financial Payments with Water Value, and Capacity with Water Volume, and Customer, and also Human Resources who working in PDAM with indicator Water Personnel.

     Water Treatment Technology with Fluid Mechanics substantial very important to determine water quantity, normally so that giving customer satisfaction. Sludge had been changes for Cleaning In Place. Measurement needed for Customer true payments. After calculation use Regression Equation, with results, going to provide information to explain knowledge problem in operation management and consumer behavior.t Test with t value 5.419 for 24 Data after data added by forecast until total 34 data, t Test with t Value 3.334(two tailed) for Customer Independent variable with zero significantly and greater than t Table = 3.182 very significantly. Simultan F Value 60.927. After calculated, determine profitabilities, also added until 34 Data, F Test   197.303 greater than F Table = 2.92
