International Conference on Government Education Management and Tourism <p>Toward Society 5.0 from the Perspective of Government, Education, Management, and Tourism: A Challenge in Balancing Economic and Social Interest</p> en-US Fri, 18 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 OJS 60 INCORPORATING OF SOCIAL MEDIA IN DISTANCE LEARNING: A CASE STUDY ON HOW TIKTOK IMPROVE SPEAKING SKILL AMONG ESP STUDENTS <p><em>This research is motivated by the importance of using technology in the teaching and learning process during the pandemic of Covid-19. The objective of the research is to see the opportunity of a learning platform such as Tik Tok Application to improve ESP (English for Specific) students’ speaking skills. The participants (n=35) were given a speaking assignment with the theme 1 presentation in English, and theme 2 is about describing how to prevent the Covid-19 pandemic. The participants were assessed using pre-post tests and also questionnaire. The method of research used is a descriptive qualitative method using classroom action research techniques. The results captured that using the Tik Tok application as a medium for developing ESP students’ speaking skills in online learning could increase students’ confidence in speaking English since they can express themselves freely on Tik Tok. Furthermore, participants actively engaged in using Tik Tok for speaking activities and understood the content of all the basic English skills. It can be proof by the result of pre and post-test in which there are significant improvements in ESP students’ speaking skills from pre-test session to post-test. In conclusion, featuring social media, especially the Tik Tok application in distance learning could develop ESP students’ speaking skills, because it provides fun and meaningful online learning for students’ English Specific Purposes.&nbsp; </em></p> Mellati Mandasari, Siti Osa Kosassy, Yenni Jufri Copyright (c) 2022 International Conference on Government Education Management and Tourism (IcoGEMT) TECH 2022 Fri, 18 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 ANALYSIS OF GOVERNMENT POLICY REGARDING THE PROVISION OF THE COVID-19 VACCINATION IN SIJUNJUNG REGENCY <p><em>This research was motivated by the government's policy regarding the provision of Covid-19 vaccination to suppress the spread of the Covid-19 virus in Indonesia. One of the regencies in West Sumatra Province that has a low percentage of vaccination achievement is Sinjunjung Regency. The purpose of this study was to analyze government policies regarding the provision of Covid-19 vaccination in Sijunjung Regency by using the theoretical analysis of policy implementation used by Edward III. This type of research is library research, by analyzing various literature reviews related to the implementation of government policies regarding the provision of Covid-19 vaccination in the Sijunjung Regency. The results showed that the four variables of Edward III's theory of implementation consisting of communication, resources, disposition, and bureaucracy had been fulfilled. There are several problems in implementing government policies regarding the provision of Covid-19 vaccination in Sijunjung Regency, such as direct communication and outreach to the public so that there are no misconceptions regarding the administration of Covid-19 vaccination and also its side effects. Furthermore, the quality and quantity of facilitators' resources must be met by the achievement of the Covid-16 vaccination target in Sijunjung Regency, therefore synchronization of data on receipt of the Covid-19 vaccine needs to be considered, monitored, and evaluated so that government policies regarding the delivery of Covid-19 vaccinations reach the target, especially in Sijunjung Regency, West Sumatra Province.</em></p> Syamsu J, F. Yasmeardi, Eva Suryani, Siti Mutia Kosassy Copyright (c) 2022 Mon, 17 Jan 2022 00:00:00 +0700 COMMUNITY PREPAREDNESS IN WELCOME TO THE DIGITALIZATION OF TELEVISION BROADCASTING IN WEST JAVA <p><em>Indonesia is one of the countries that are late in applying the digitization of television broadcasting. Migration from analog TV system to digital TV has encountered many obstacles and obstacles that are not simple. In accordance with Law number 11/2020, the time limit for stopping analog TV broadcasts or commonly called ASO (Analog Switch Off) is until November 2, 2022. ASO has been stated in Law No. 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation, that the termination of analog terrestrial television broadcasts and switch to digital data no later than two years after the regulation is enacted. However, because our country was hit by the storm of the Covid-19 pandemic, the ASO policy underwent a schedule change. But the big question is are people ready to face the policy of digitizing television broadcasting? After the Covid-19 pandemic storm, people still have to struggle to rebuild an economy that has been destroyed and slumped by the impact of Covid. This paper will elaborate and measure the community's readiness to face the digitalization of television broadcasting in the form of Analog Switch Off in West Java. This province is interesting to study considering the largest population in Indonesia. Using a qualitative method with a case study approach, the researcher conducted observations and in-depth interviews with a number of key informants such as the Chair of the West Java KPID, Kominfo officials and broadcasting practitioners.</em></p> H. Muchsin al-Fikri, Witri Cahyati, Pupi Indriati Zaelani, Destiana Angelita Copyright (c) 2022 Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 INNOVATION AS COMPETITIVENESS IN FACING COMPETITION AND DEVELOPING THE SONGKET WOVEN FABRIC BUSINESS IN PANDAI SIKEK CREATIVE INDUSTRY <p><em>Songket woven fabric is one of&nbsp; creative&nbsp; industry product as well as traditional handicrafts in Pandai Sikek, Sepuluh Koto Regency, Tanah Datar, West Sumatera Province. Within a few decades, Songket woven fabric products have faced various problems such as competition with factory-made woven products, the number of craftsmen declining because the job unstable and low wages, and weakening consumer buying power.&nbsp; The purpose of this study to examine various factors that cause&nbsp; decrease of competitiveness Songket woven fabric in Pandai Sikek and efforts to improve competitiveness. This study used qualitative approach with descriptive method, which explains facts and real conditions of production of Songket woven fabric in the center of the creative industry in Pandai Sikek. The type of Songket woven fabric business is home industry that uses Non-Machine Weaving Equipment (ATBM) so that the production is limited. In the face of dynamic and unstable market competition and declining consumer buying power, it is necessary to apply innovation which creates product diversification to be more varied, reduce production costs, and more affordable prices. The Songket woven fabric prices around Rp.1.000.000 – Rp.10.000.000.</em> <em>Therefore, the creative and innovative process of Songket woven fabric is important in order to be able to compete and develop its business. This study aims to examine the right innovation process so that Songket woven fabric product can compete and create new market segments, create attractive design, low prices, and good quality.</em></p> Yenni Jufri, Dian Rizke, Mukti Diapepin, Dian Oldisan, Yurismen Efendi, Dona Ikranova Febrina Copyright (c) 2022 Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 ANALYSIS OF TERMINAL RETRIBUTION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IN JAYAWIJAYA REGENCY (Case Study of The Jibama Terminal) <p><em>Jayawijaya Regency as one of the regencies in the central mountainous region of Papua, has the same rights and obligations to manage Regional Original Revenue including terminal fees which are the same as other districts in regulating and managing their households, to improve efficiency and effectiveness of government administration and services to the community. This study aims to analyze how the Terminal Retribution is (a case study of the Jibama Terminal, Jayawijaya Regency). The indicators in this study include Collection, Examination, Utilization, and Incentives by taking respondents from the Jayawijaya Regency Transportation Service Employees 6 people, and 3 people from Public Transport drivers so the number of respondents taken as many as 9 (nine) people. This research is qualitative, data collection techniques used in this study are through interviews, observation, and documentation. Based on the results of interviews with respondents, it was found that there were obstacles in the management of terminal fees at the Jayawijaya Regency Transportation Service such as human resources, supporting facilities, and infrastructure in the terminal, the number of employees was still lacking, illegal levies in the terminal, lack of supervision from the local government, and lack of awareness of the driver himself.</em></p> Soltan Takdir, Welius Wetapo Copyright (c) 2022 Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 THE EFFECT OF MUTATIONS ON THE WORK PRODUCTIVITY OF THE STATE CIVIL SERVICES AT THE OFFICE OF PENGADILAN AGAMA WAMENA PAPUA <p><em>This study aims to determine whether there is an effect of mutation on the work productivity of the employees of the Pengadilan Agama Office. This type of research is associative research, which consists of 2 variables, namely Mutation and Work Productivity. For sampling using Total Sampling because the population does not exceed 100 people, namely 12 people. Data collection techniques used in the literature study, observations (observations), and a questionnaire that contains 30 questions. For testing the validity of each item, using the Pearson Product Moment correlation, while testing the reliability of the research instrument using the Cronbach Alpha method. Then testing the data analysis using the Pearson Product Moment correlation formula which in this study used = 0.5, meaning that the error from the analysis was 5%. In this study, simple regression analysis was also used to predict the value of the Work Productivity variable when the value of the Mutation variable was set. To test the significant relationship used t-test. The results of this study indicate that the correlation coefficient between mutations and work productivity is included in the strong category as indicated by the Pearson product-moment correlation, which is 0.725. Based on the results of the count test at a significant level of 5% with the two-party DK-2 test, the count value is 3.331 while the t-table value is 2.228, meaning t-count &gt; t-table. Thus, it is known that mutations have a significant effect on Work Productivity. While the contribution value given by mutation to Work Productivity is 52.5%, the remaining 47.5% is influenced by other factors not examined. The results of the hypothesis test are that there is a significant effect between mutations on work productivity, then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted.</em></p> Syarifah Syarifah, Wahyuni Nurindah Sulistiowat, Arif Setyawan Copyright (c) 2022 Mon, 28 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 E-DOCUMENTS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM: APPLICATION IN PRESS INDUSTRY <p><em>This paper reports e-Documents Management System and its application in Industry. The documents managed include undergraduate students’ electronic theses with further implementation in Press Industry. E-documents is considered important for press industry, then the system was trialed in this industry. Result of study shows the e-reserve has benefit for a long-term in this industry for easy retrieval of their electronic documents.</em></p> Maman Fathurrohman, Syamsuri Syamsuri, Hepsi Nindiasari Copyright (c) Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 POLICY EVALUATION OF LECTURER'S CAREER DEVELOPMENT (NORMATIVE JURIDICAL STUDY ON FURTHER STUDY OF CIVIL SERVANT LECTURERS IN PRIVATE UNIVERSITIES) <p><em>One form of career development for lecturers is the opportunity for further study to a doctoral program with a study permit or study assignment. Regulations regarding this include a Presidential Regulation (Perpres), a Regulation of the Minister of National Education (Permendiknas) and a Circular Letter of the Minister for Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (SE Menpan RB). Because the content contains public interests in the form of the will and aspirations of lecturers to become doctors, basically all these regulations are public policies. Arrangements for further studies are very important for the certainty and clarity of lecturers in pursuing their careers as civil servants holding functional positions. With the normative juridical method, it is known that the legal basis for the policy is Presidential Decree No. 12 of 1961, Permendiknas No. 46 of 2009 and SE Menpan and RB No. 04 of 2013. Law Number 10 Prp of 1960. In fact, regulations in the form of laws regarding further studies and lecturers have been changed many times. There are several policy substances that are inconsistent, not operational/clear, ambiguous, and contradictory in the three regulations. It is necessary to replace the Presidential Regulation and make improvements to several substances in the Permendiknas and SE Menpan RB. </em></p> Tatang Sudrajat, Hersusetiyati Hersusetiyati, Nurhaeni Sikki, Muhammad Dadi Priadi, Yuyun Yuniarsih, Hamidah Nurbaiti Copyright (c) Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 ANALYSIS OF USING SHARK TYPER DELUXE (STD) SOFTWARE TOWARDS INCREASING TYPE ABILITY STUDENTS OF IBM ASMI <p><em>This study is a quantitative study that uses the Simple Sign Test to test the differences in Typing Speed ​​and Typing Accuracy after IBM ASMI students went through the Keyboarding course using the Shark Typer Deluxe (STD) application in 2018 – 2019.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Based on the descriptive level of achievement of typing speed, students learn Keyboarding for 2 months using the Typer Shark Deluxe software, the average speed is 5.27 minutes to type 5 lines. There are 48 (52.17%) people who need 1 – 5 minutes to type 5 lines. Based on the descriptive level of achievement of students learning keyboarding for 4 months the average value of the speed is 3.25 minutes to type 5 lines. There are 71 (71.17%) people who need 1-3 minutes to type 5 lines.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Based on the descriptive level of achievement of typing accuracy, students learn Keyboarding for 2 months using the Typer Shark Deluxe software, the average accuracy value is 7.45 words that are wrong when typing for 5 minutes. There are 20 (21.74%) people whose accuracy level is 0 – 6 words during 5 minutes of typing. Based on the descriptive level of achievement of typing accuracy, students learn Keyboarding for 4 months using the Typer Shark Deluxe software, the average accuracy value is 1.71 words that are wrong when typing for 3 minutes. There are 82 (89.13%) people whose accuracy level is 0 – 3 words during 3 minutes of typing.</em></p> Jones Zenas Rante, Rahayu Widiono Copyright (c) Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 QUALITY OF PRODUCTS, SERVICES, BUSINESS CAPITAL AND E-COMMERCE TO THE EXISTENCE OF CULINARY BUSINESS IN THE NEW NORMAL ERA <p><em>The Goal of </em><em>This </em><em>research</em><em> determine the effect of product quality, service, business capital and e-commerce on the existence of a culinary business in the new normal era. The sample in this study were 40 respondents. Data obtained by interview in the form of a questionnaire. The data analysis technique in this study uses quantitative analysis such as validity test, reliability test, coefficient of determination or R-square, goodness of fit test through F test, and t test to find out whether it is significant or not.</em></p> <p><em>The results of this </em><em>research </em><em>in accordance with the T test of the product quality variable, the comparison of the calculated T value of 0.018 &gt; t table = 2.030, so that there is no significant effect on the existence of the business. The service quality variable obtained a comparison of the calculated T value of -0.319 &lt; </em><em>ttabel </em><em>&nbsp;= 2.030, so there is no significant effect. The variable of working capital obtained a comparison of the calculated T value of 1.864 &lt; 2.030, so that there is no significant effect on the existence of the business. The e-commerce variable obtained a comparison of the calculated T value of 2.886 &gt; </em><em>ttabel</em><em> = 2.030, so that there is a significant influence on the existence of the business.</em></p> Hardianawati Hardianawati, Indria Sukma Sektiyaningsih Copyright (c) Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 INFLUENCE OF MSME TAXPAYER COMPLIANCE FACTORS TOWARDS THE IMPLEMENTATION OF PP. NO. 23 2018 IN MADIUN <p><em>The MSME (or usually called UMKM) tax law has been revised several times, especially in pandemic conditions like now.</em><em> This study aims to determine whether the implementation of Pp. No. 23 of 2018 has been good in Madiun. The study was conducted in March 2020 - June 2021 with a population of 16,776 MSME actors registered as taxpayers at the KPP PratamaMadiun City. A total of 375 samples were obtained through a sampling technique in the form of purposive sampling with a margin of error of 5%.</em><em> The research was conducted in a survey phase, distributing questionnaires and processing data. Collecting data using primary data in the form of a questionnaire using the Multiple Linear Regression method. According to the results of the t-test, it shows that tax literacy (X1) has no effect on MSME taxpayer compliance (Y).</em><em> Variables of tax rates (X2) and tax sanctions (X3) have an effect on taxpayer compliance. And the three independent variables simultaneously affect MSME Taxpayer Compliance.</em><em> Limitation of the problem in the form of independent variables examined tax literacy, tax rates, and tax sanctions. With the dependent variable, MSME taxpayer compliance in Madiun City. This research is useful for MSME actors as a source of&nbsp; knowledge regarding the understanding of tax functions and tax benefits both for themselves and for the economic survival of the Indonesian State.</em></p> Liliek Nur Sulistiyowati, Vivia Dhamora Copyright (c) Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 THE IMPACT OF DIVIDEND POLICY AND FIRM SPESIFIC FACTORS ON SHARE PRICE VOLATILITY <p><em>Indonesia is in the top five positions with its mining wealth and is a sector industry with a large contribution to the country's economy. There are several phenomena that appear recently in mining companies in the global and regional environment to be observed include: The movement of shares follows the movement of commodity prices; Gold prices shot up due to an increase in instruments that are often considered as safe haven, Coal prices soared at the end of 2020 winter used a lot coal-fired Steam Power Plants (PLTU) mainly from China; Nickel also made a surprise in 2020 along with plans for electric cars. Judging from the price of shares listed on the IDX, the stock price fluctuates every year. Stock price volatility is the fluctuation that occurs in stock prices in the form of: the amount of foreign exchange distance over a certain period of time. This research aims to empirically analyze how the analysis of dividend policy, leverage, firm size, trading volume, economic growth, and inflation rate on share price volatility. Research result shows that trading volume, economic growth and inflation rate have impact on share price volatility. Trading volume has positive impact on share price volatility.&nbsp; While economic growth and inflation rate have negative impact on share price volatility. Dividend policy, leverage and firm size have no impact on share price volatility.</em></p> Sunita Dasman, Setyo Gunawan Copyright (c) Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PRINCIPLE OF SIMPLE JUSTICE FAST AND LOW COST IN INDONESIA'S RELIGIOUS COURTS (STUDY OF MEDAN RELIGIOUS COURT DECISION NO. 252/Pdt.G/2017/PA.Mdn) <p><em>Religious courts in Indonesia must conduct the trial process on the principle of simple, fast and low cost. In implementing this principle, judges will only assist justice seekers and try to overcome all obstacles in order to achieve a simple, fast and low cost trial. This condition is considered as an active role of judges.</em></p> Noviyanti Wulandari Sitepu, Muhammad Iqbal Tarigan, Aldilla Renata Chaniago Copyright (c) Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 THE NARRRATIVE PATTERN OF TWO SENTENCES HORROR STORIES IN A SEMANTIC PERSPECTIVE <p><em>This study aims to find the type of semantic meaning that shows terror and the narrative pattern that forms a horror story in a two-sentence horror story. The stories taken from the thought catalog website, and the @horrorphiles Instagram account, and Extremely Short Horror Stories (Two Sentence Horror Stories) on wattpad. This study used Geoffrey Leech and Charles Derry. By using qualitative descriptive research methods, data collection taken qualitatively by documentation and analysis results are presented descriptively. It can be seen from the research’s results that the sentences used in these two-sentence horror stories more often conveyed the message in a straightforward manner so that the story is easy to understand. These stories usually contain a plot twist or surprise ending where the first sentence acts as an introduction or opening to the story. Whereas, the second sentence acts as an unexpected peak or ending. </em></p> Moza Nafisca Ortega, Novita Puspahaty Copyright (c) Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 DIGITAL MARKETING STRATEGY OPTIMAZATION TO BOOST SALES REVENUE DURING PANDEMIC COVID-19 AT PT. SW INDONESIA <p><em>The COVID-19 pandemic has ravaged the life and economy of the world, including Indonesia. United States, South Korea, Japan, and Singapore economies contracted 2.9 percent, 1.6 percent, 1.6 percent, and 5.8 percent in Q3 2020 YoY. The Indonesian economy also contracted 3.5 percent YoY in the third quarter of 2020. Entrepreneurs racked their brains to implement the best strategy to lead the company to continue to run and survive the shocks of the Covid 19 storm. The business strategy to increase sales revenue by optimizing Digital Marketing is one of the strategic choices taken by PT. SW Indonesia to increase sales revenue. This study aims to explore detail about marketing strategies by optimizing digital marketing to increase sales revenue. This qualitative descriptive research uses observation and interview methods. Five important informants selected to obtain prominent information and data. This study succeeded in finding novelty in detail about digital marketing involvement to increase sales revenue, namely marketing costs, product quality and visual creativity. If the company competently manages those three prominent aspects precisely, the company will win the competition in the e-commerce business.&nbsp; In the end, the company will increase sales revenue with easy. Several studies only examine the usefulness of digital marketing but do not examine how to increase sales revenue by optimizing digital marketing in more detail. This study succeeded in finding novelty in more detail related to digital marketing involvement to increase sales revenue, namely marketing costs, product quality, and visual creativity.</em></p> Eko Riwayadi, Anna Wulandari Copyright (c) Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 THE ROLE OF THE PRINCIPAL LEADERSHIP ON EDUCATION QUALITY MEDIATED BY TEACHER PERFORMANCE <p>This research examines the model of the influence of the principal leadership on education quality with the mediating variable of teacher performance in Central Cikarang District of Bekasi Regency. The research used a quantitative approach with a sample of 100 teachers in Central Cikarang District of Bekasi Regency. Analysis using a structural model processed by SMARTPLS 3.0 software. The result of the research is principal leadership has no affect the quality of education, and the principal leadership has an effect on teacher performance. Teacher performance does not mediate the principal leadership on the quality of education.</p> Novtri Mariatie, Barliani Dewi Setyawati, Taufiq Rachman Copyright (c) Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 SATIRE MESSAGES IN NARASI TV’S MATA NAJWA MENANTI TERAWAN <p><em>The existence of new media provides a dynamic process of delivering messages and opinions made by the community and mass media. The present study discusses the meaning of the satire messages in the one of episodes of Narasi TV which titled Mata Najwa Menanti Terawan. The present study uses Barthes’ semiotic approach related to the concepts of denotation, connotation, and myth. The video is analyzed by taking several scenes on the video by selecting scenes that refer to non-verbal communication. The results of the present study indicate that Mata Najwa Menanti Terawan’s episode can be considered a planned direct satire to the then Minister of Health, Terawan Aguas Putranto to encourage him to appear in public more and be more open in handling Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia. The satire given in the episode suggests a doubt about how Putranto perfoming his role as Minister of Health.</em></p> Sri Tanti Tamara, Yudha Asmara Dwi Aksa, Reza Anggriyashati Adara Copyright (c) Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 HOUSEHOLD WASTERWATER MANAGEMENT POLICY IN KERENG BANGKIRAI AREA TOWARD SUSTAINABILITY OF RIVER WATER IN SEBANGAU CITY, PALANGKA RAYA <p><em>This manuscript aims to study and understand the policies of household wastewater management in the Sebangau River, Palangka Raya City and explore the problem of household wastewater management in the residential area of ​​Kereng Bangkirai towards the preservation of river water in Sebangau City. Palangka Raya. The problem is focused on environmental policies seen from sustainability which can be contributed as a role model for local government policies in making river environmental management policies. The data were collected through observation, interviews with relevant stakeholders, documentation, and analyzed qualitatively. This study concludes that the wasterwater management policy in the rivers of Palangka Raya City is still not ready to face the threat of river ecological damage. However, the commitment of the city government to plan to change the face ofsettlements slumand wasterwater management already exists. However, there are obstacles in the policy, one of which has not been supported by community activities and habits to manage household wastewater so that the sustainability of Sebangau river water is maintained.</em></p> M. Riban Satia, M.Nur Tanja Putra, Nova Riyanti, Desy Selawaty, Nur Ainah Copyright (c) Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 THE DIFERRENCE OF READINESS TO CHANGE LECTURES IN TERMS OF FUNCTIONAL POSITIONS <p><em>An organization will encounter various obstacles, constraints, and challenges when carrying out a planned change process so each employee needs to adjust their skills, behavior, and have an individual readiness to change. This study aims to determine the difference of readiness to change lecturers in terms of functional positions. The sample of this research amounted to 53 lecturers of Lambung Mangkurat University which is divided into four categories; assistant professors, assistant professors (</em>lektor<em>), associate professors, and professors. The measuring instrument used in this study is the readiness to change scale and the data analysis method used is one way ANOVA. The results showed that there’s no significant difference of readiness to change in terms of those fourth functional positions.</em></p> Neka Erlyani, Fendy Suhariadi Copyright (c) 2022 Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 WATER MANAGEMENT IN INDONESIA <p><em>Until Now, Water famous as resources and capable to natural recirculation, water very required on environment. Management Data had been documented on statistic quantitative in Statistics Central Bureau. Water Management in every regional managed by PDAM to distribute and procurement for society, required for prays, consumption, utilize, sanitation, process engineering, plant growth, fishery activities, and swimming pools, and also beach sport club such as diving, cetera.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Research Problem as arguments to identify so that optimalization among some variables within operation management theoretically use regression equation to determine relationship. Calculation, regarding water substantial (pH from 6 until 8.5 with good opinion) as a liquid consumer goods. Financial Payments with Water Value, and Capacity with Water Volume, and Customer, and also Human Resources who working in PDAM with indicator Water Personnel.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Water Treatment Technology with Fluid Mechanics substantial very important to determine water quantity, normally so that giving customer satisfaction. Sludge had been changes for Cleaning In Place. Measurement needed for Customer true payments. After calculation use Regression Equation, with results, going to provide information to explain knowledge problem in operation management and consumer behavior.t Test with t value 5.419 for 24 Data after data added by forecast until total 34 data, t Test with t Value 3.334(two tailed) for Customer Independent variable with zero significantly and greater than t Table = 3.182 very significantly. Simultan F Value 60.927. After calculated, determine profitabilities, also added until 34 Data, F Test&nbsp;&nbsp; 197.303 greater than F Table = 2.92 </em></p> Giri Nurpribadi Copyright (c) Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 LESSON LEARN FROM ECOLOGICAL CONSERVATION IN THE TOURISM DESTINATION SOUTHERN MALANG COASTAL AREA <p><em>The south coast Malang tourist destinations are known for their stunning natural beauty for tourists. Malang's south coast is not only known as a fascinating tourist destination, but also offers many potential natural and ecological resources. Therefore, sustainable environmental conservation management is necessary. Currently, there are at least three coastal areas that have successfully developed environmental conservation practices. The three beaches are 1) Bajulmati Beach, 2) Kondang Merak Beach and 3) Tigawarna Beach. Bajulmati Beach is a turtle conservation and a brackish water reservoir. Kondang Merak Beach is an example of coral reef conservation, and Tiga Warna Beach is a mangrove conservation site. The uniqueness of this conservation activity and the attractiveness of tourists are well known to tourists who want to learn how to conserve in a coastal environment. The purpose of this article is to collect information on the initiation of environmental conservation for leisure and tourism activities. The survey method used was a detailed interview with tourism managers and nature maintenance personnel at the survey site. In addition, in-depth were conducted with several visitors or tourists on their perceptions of the tourism and nature maintenance activities carried out. The results of in-depth with nature conservationists show that there are challenges in protecting the environment in their area. The challenge of sustainability of nature maintenance in the form of financial support must arise repeatedly. On the other hand, the challenge of environmental deterioration is recognized as a cause of damage and imbalance of nature. On the other hand, most tourists acknowledge that nature maintenance activities are one of the reasons for visiting tourist attractions on the beaches of South Malang.</em></p> Listyo Yudha Irawan, Widodo Eko Prasetyo, M. Faiz Mustafa Kamal, Agus Dwi Febrianto, Mardiana Lelitawati, Sumarmi Sumarmi Copyright (c) Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 VALUATION OF FINANCIAL REPORTING QUALITY: IS IT AN ISSUE IN THE FIRM’S VALUATION? <p><em>The aim of this research is to test the determinant of financial report quality and its consequences to the company’s value. The sample of this study is 85 go public companies listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange for 5 years observation period in 2016 until 2020. Hence, it has total of 425 observations. Data was analyzed using path analysis. The results found that innate factors from financial reporting quality consists of dynamic factor (operation cycle and sales volatility) as well as static factor (firm size). These factors support to achieve financial reporting quality and able to provide positive response to market. On the other hand, static factor (firm age) and institution risk factor (leverage) are not able to produce financial reporting quality. Thus, it cannot be considered as an economic decision making for an investor.</em></p> Nur Fadjrih Asyik, Muchlis Muchlis, Ikhsan Budi Riharjo Copyright (c) Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 STUDY OF DRYING METHODS AND EXTRACTION METHODS ON PHENOLIC CONTENT <p><em>Medicinal plants contain secondary metabolites, one of which is phenolic compounds. Phenolic compounds have many pharmacological activities including antioxidant, antidiarrheal and antibacterial. This study aims to determine the effect of drying method and extraction method on phenolic content. The research is compiled based on the journals that have been collected, namely national and international journals. The results showed that the drying method and the extraction method affected the phenolic content. Obtaining the highest phenolic content will provide optimal pharmacologic activity provided by optimal drying and extraction methods. The results of the literature search show that the simplicia drying method and the extraction method affect the % yield of extracts from medicinal plant simplicia.&nbsp;In addition to % extract yield, the simplicia drying method and extraction method also affected the average content of total phenol in medicinal plant.</em></p> Arista Wahyu Ningsih, Sukardiman Sukardiman, Achmad Syahrani, Acivrida Mega Charisma, Khurin In Wahyuni Copyright (c) Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 PUBLIC SERVICE MOTIVATION AND TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP OF VILLAGE GOVERNMENT TO SUPPORT SUSTAINABLE TOURISM DESTINATIONS <p><em>This study aims to reveal: 1) the influence of public service motivation on the realization of sustainable tourist destinations, 2) the influence of transformational leadership on the realization of sustainable tourist destinations, and 3) what is the role of transformational leadership in mediating the realization of sustainable tourist destinations. For this reason, research was conducted in the form of a survey</em><em> and used</em><em> structured questions to respondents. The results show that </em><em>public </em><em>motivation</em><em> service</em><em> does not positively affect sustainable village development. In contrast, public service motivation influences transformational leadership</em><em>. </em><em>And transformational leadership positively impacts sustainable villages. </em><em>It means that</em><em> transformational leadership </em><em>could </em><em>mediate public service motivation for sustainable villages. </em><em>Accordingly,</em> <em>we</em><em> recommended the village government</em><em> official</em><em> to understand better the concept of Bumdes along with the need for support, rules, or incentives for management to improve sustainable tourism Bumdes.</em></p> Johannes Johannes, Edward Edward, Oldy Arnoldy Copyright (c) Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 FORMATION OF RELIGIOUS CHARACTER THROUGH HABITUATION DHUHA PRAYER ON LIMITED FACE-TO-FACE LEARNING IN PRIMARY SCHOOL <p><em>A person's character development is influenced by several things, learning environment, parenting, social environment, and self-concept are very closely influential in the formation of student character in school. Character education in Muhammadiyah 1 Taman Elementary School is carried out through the habituation of dhuha prayer in school. But during the covid-19 pandemic this habituation activity could not be carried out because students learn from home. The implementation of learning during PTMT (Pertemuan Tata Muka Terbatas Limited Advance Meetings) in Muhammadiyah 1 Taman Elementary School was carried out by regulating the number of students who went to school as much as 50% and 50% of students learning from home. To facilitate the habituation of dhuha prayer that can be followed directly and together by students who study at school and at home, the school prepares a hybrid learning method. This research is descriptive research and the research approach used is qualitative research. The research method uses a single case method. Data collection techniques use participant observation techniques, in-depth interviews, and documentation. Data analysis is processed through data reduction, data presentation, conclusion and verification.</em></p> <p><em>The implementation of the habituation of dhuha prayer carried out by SD Muhammadiyah 1 Taman Sidoarjo has positive implications for the formation of religious character. The process of internalizing the habituation of dhuha prayer by the school can effectively shape the religious character of the student.</em></p> Enik Chairul Umah, Retno Intan Kuswari, Ade Eka Anggraini Copyright (c) Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 EDUCATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS OF ANDROID-BASED HEALTH APPLICATIONS IN IMPROVING COMMUNITY KNOWLEDGE AND BEHAVIOR DURING THE SARS-COV-2 PANDEMIC IN BARENGKRAJAN VILLAGE <p><em>The Covid-19 pandemic has hit various countries around the world.&nbsp;Various preventive measures have been taken by the government to resolve this extraordinary case, such as&nbsp;physical distancing, social distancing,&nbsp;always wearing masks outside the home, etc.&nbsp;The impact of preventing Covid-19 greatly affects several sectors, especially the health service sector.&nbsp;Health services during the pandemic are changing very quickly, leading to online services (&nbsp;online&nbsp;); this aims to minimize direct interaction so that hospitals, health centers, and clinics have their own online&nbsp;systems&nbsp;from registration to consultation.&nbsp;This study aims to determine the effectiveness of&nbsp;e-health&nbsp;application educationSTIKES RS Anwar Medika in increasing the knowledge and behavior of the community. The research method used in this study is a quasi-experimental&nbsp;research method&nbsp;with a&nbsp;pre-post control group design&nbsp;with the research sample being residents of Barengkrajan Village, Dusun Badas and Dusun Bantengan.&nbsp;The results of this study are that there are differences in people's knowledge and behavior between before and after being given education related to the&nbsp;e-health&nbsp;application&nbsp;of&nbsp;STIKES at Anwar Medika Hospital and there is a relationship between knowledge and community behavior related to PHBS.&nbsp;This is evidenced by the&nbsp;Pearson&nbsp;correlation parametric statistical&nbsp;test&nbsp;where the results show that there is a positive correlation with a very strong and significant correlation strength.</em></p> Khurin In Wahyuni, Galuh Ramadhani Pratiwi Z, Yani Ambari, Arista Wahyu Ningsih, Martina Kurnia Rohmah Copyright (c) Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 THE CONCEPT OF RURAL TOURISM RECOVERY PASCA COVID-19, KERTOSARI VILLAGE, PURWOSARI SUB-DISTRICT, PASURUAN REGENCY, INDONESIA <p><em>Tourism has an important role and is significant to economic growth, especially through increasing foreign exchange, providing job opportunities, and participating in improving infrastructure, encouraging betterment of facilities, especially public facilities and local businesses.</em> <em>In recent years, alternative tourism </em><em>such as</em><em> rural tourism</em><em> has grown more favorable as tourist </em><em>destination</em><em>s</em><em>. Nonetheless, rural tourism growth is impeded by the Covid-19 pandemic in early 2020 that massively hampered, even stopped various activities</em><em> including the</em><em> tourism sector, </em><em>and massively overhauled the entire social order and way of life. </em><em>One village that has great potential for rural tourism is Kertosari Village, Pur</em><em>wosari district, Pasuruan Regency, Indonesia which experiences a screeching halt in the tourism sector. The purpose of this research is to formulate the concept of developing Kertosari rural tourism during and post Covid-19 period by creating a recovery concept for rural tourism. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach to describe the potential of rural tourism and then analyzes the role of stakeholders to identify the type of tourism developed. The next step is by applying the concept of tourism adaptation in the Covid </em><em>situation using standard health protocols, and finally to concept a travel pattern through network analysis and linkage system. Thus, it will formulate the concept of developing Kertosari rural tourism that is adaptive during and after the Covid-19 period </em></p> Ibnu Sasongko, Ardyanto Maksimilianus Gai, Annisa Immaduddina Copyright (c) Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 THE CHALLENGES OF INDUSTRIAL ERA 4.0: A QURANIC PERSPECTIVE <p><em>This paper discusses the industrial era 4.0 and the various challenges that arise from the perspective of the Quran. The industrial revolution 4.0 was marked by the basis of digitalization in all lines of human life, which then fundamentally changed the way of life, work, and interaction. The concept offered by industry 4.0, of course, is tempting and promising to be applied considering the rapid flow of globalization. As a country with the largest Muslim population in the world, Indonesia in its efforts to enter the industrial era 4.0 is faced with five challenges faced in the industrial era 4.0, namely aspects of knowledge, politics, technology, economy, and social. This is where the need to return to the instructions of the Quran in dealing with the vortex of industrial revolution 4.0. This paper discusses several Quranic perspectives regarding the challenges that arise in the industrial era 4.0, ranging from hoaxes, hate speech, economic inequality to literacy, using the thematic interpretation method.</em> <em>Among the results of this study, the Qur'an provides a very adequate explanation regarding how to deal with changes that occur including the industrial era 4.0, which proves that the Qur'an is relevant for all times and places.</em></p> Zamakhsyari bin Hasballah Thaib Copyright (c) Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 CRITICAL THINKING RATIONALISM IN THE THEMATIC LEARNING OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS <p><em>The purpose of this discussion is to refer to how to explain how data about critical thinking rationalists in thematic learning of elementary school students. Rationalism teaches that knowledge is obtained by way of thinking.&nbsp; This study uses a descriptive qualitative method, where the approach used is a phenomenological approach, involves existing methods such as interviews, observation, utilization and documentation. The analysis technique is in the form of reducing data, presenting data and drawing conclusions along with explanations. Analyzing critical thinking levels, namely analyzing problems, exploring, setting strategies, solving problems, evaluating. The learning outcomes obtained in the fourt grade thematic learning with the theme of always saving energy indicate that the level of critical thinking carried out by the teacher is still relatively low, there are still many students experiencing difficulties when solving problems. Students are able to evaluate with tests with less than optimal results, namely there are 50% of the number of students whose scores are still below the KKM</em></p> Raras Setyo Retno, Eka Yuliana Sari, Fattah Hanurawan Copyright (c) Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 ANALYSIS ON IMPACTS OF SHRIMP FARMING TOWARDS COMMUNAL ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT DURING COVID-19 IN ULAKAN BEACH, PADANG PARIAMAN REGENCY <p><em>shrimp farming is an important factor as a supporter of community welfare. Shrimp farming business is one of the livelihoods of the community, especially for people living in coastal areas, so that The current COVID-19 pandemic makes people in coastal areas unable to carry out their normal activities, this is a serious problem for the economy of people living in coastal areas. Departing from the following background, this study focuses on finding out how the impact of the shrimp farming business on improving the community's economy during the COVID-19 pandemic on Ulakan beach, Ulakan Tapakis District, Padang Pariaman Regency. Research methods used in this research is descriptive research method with a qualitative approach, the data in this study were obtained from primary data and secondary data. The collection is done by interview, observation and documentation techniques. Based on the results of the research that during the COVID-19 pandemic, the shrimp farming business in the coastal area of Ulakan expanded, so that the surrounding community also felt the impact, especially by opening up job opportunities for Nagari children and helping increase the income of people in coastal areas. For example, it can be seen that the community started a business or became a shrimp trader both on a small and large scale, and worked in the field of expedition and transportation of harvest or feed products. Departing from the results of this study, it was concluded that during the COVID-19 pandemic, the average income of pond farmer workers has increased, so that this economic Empowerment has been running to restore the economy of the community in the Ulakan coastal area.</em></p> Yeni M Copyright (c) Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 ETHICS AND ORGANIZATIONAL DIMENSIONS IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION: DKPP AND THE QUALITY OF ELECTION MANAGEMENT <p><em>In public administration, ethical and moral aspects are very important to guide state/government officials in serving the community, including in the conduct of elections. Adequate regulation of election management organizations in the general election law is a determining factor for the realization of quality elections. The Election Organizers Honorary Council (DKPP) which is regulated in Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning Elections is an important pillar for upholding the code of ethics for election organizers. With normative juridical methods and literature, it is clear that ethics is very important for election management officials at all levels of government. The implementation of elections is part of the public administration which is carried out by non-structural institutions. The ethical and moral dimensions in the form of a code of ethics for election administrators need to be enforced effectively by the DKPP. Ethical violations by election management officials still occur in various regions. The regulation on the organizational dimensions of DKPP in the election law is not as complete as that for the General Election Commission (KPU) and the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu). Dimensions that are regulated include specialization, formalization, hierarchy of authority, size of the organization, supporting elements and nature of the organization. There are some settings that are incomplete, unclear, and ambiguous, so they need to be refined.</em></p> Deni Nurdyana, Tatang Sudrajat Copyright (c) Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS OF FLOWER ENTREPRENEURSHIP REVIEWED FROM THE ASPECTS OF ENVIRONMENT, DIGITAL MARKETING AND BUSINESS COMMUNICATION IN PANYAIRAN STREET, CIHIDENG VILLAGE, PARONPONG DISTRICT, WEST BANDUNG REGENCY <p><em>A business feasibility study is an activity that analyzes in depth and complete an activity or business to be executed, to determine the appropriate Whether or not a business or activity run</em><strong><em>. </em></strong><em>A business feasibility study is needed to get a picture of the possibility of a business to run. This study aims to determine whether flower entrepreneurs which is located in Cihideng Village, Paronpong District, West Bandung Regency, is implemented or not. Every aspect that becomes an indicator in a business feasibility study must meet certain standards, but the assessment is not only done on one aspect only. Assessment to decide eligibility must be based on several aspects. The analytical method used in this study is a description research method based on Aspects of the Business Feasibility Study, namely those viewed from the Environmental Aspects, Digital Marketing Aspects and Business Communication Aspects.</em></p> Yuyun Yuniarsih , Muhammad Dadi Priadi , H. Muchsin al-Fikri, Witri Cahyati , Ridwan Tho At Firdaus , Silsi Sabila Copyright (c) Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 THE IMPACT OF ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE, LEADERSHIP AND PUBLICATION REGULATIONS IN ANALYZING LECTURER PERFORMANCE AT PRIVATE UNIVERSITIES IN INDONESIA <p><em>Lecturers and staff who have high performance will give a high contribution to the organization or university. This paper uses associative descriptive method that is analyzing the effect of independent variables on the dependent variable. In this paper also there are three independent variables that will be examined, namely organizational culture (X1), leadership (X2), and regulation on publication (X3) and one dependent variable, namely Lecturer Performance (Y). Lecturer performance as the dependent variable (Y) has quite diverse answers. The 80 respondents whose data were collected, the average score was 80.64 with a standard deviation of 7.92. While the range of answer scores on this variable is 65 for the lowest score and 99 for the highest score. With an average value of 80.64, the performance of lecturers can be classified as high. Conclusions (1) Organizational culture has a positive impact on lecturer performance. The impact is positive and real at the 5% significance level, with a correlation coefficient of 0.627. Thus, organizational culture gives a convincing impact on the increase in lecturer performance. (2) Performance with a correlation coefficient of 0.76. Thus leadership becomes a determining factor that gives impact to the performance of lecturers. The better the leadership of superiors, the higher the performance of the lecturers. (3) lecturer performance with a coefficient of 0.745. Thus the regulation of publication can be said to be a determining factor or a positive impact on lecturer performance.</em></p> Elis Anita Farida, Amiartuti Kusmaningtyas, Tri Andjarwati, Farida Anwari Copyright (c) Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 THE IMPLEMENTATION OF GOOD GOVERNANCE ON VILLAGE-OWNED ENTERPRISES OR BADAN USAHA MILIK DESA (BUMDes) THROUGH VILLAGE GOVERNMENT IN INDONESIA <p><em>The majority of villages in Indonesia face a number of traditional problems which require a government that is able to create synergy between systems, programs, and normative aspects. The Village Government significantly increases the performance of Village-Owned Businesses, or Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDes), through the application of Good Governance principles in order to stimulate new business growth and economic transformation. The purpose of this research is to examine the relationship between good governance and BUMDes in order to improve community welfare. The research applies a qualitative analysis, in which the researcher is a participant- observer. The success of BUMDes since its implementation in 2004 shows that Good Governance is an effective tool. It focuses on aspects of accountability and community participation. President Jokowi directs BUMDes as an Organization Oriented to Economic Production to cooperate with State-Owned Enterprises or Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) and the private sector in every economic activity, as well as to consolidate business formation according to community needs, especially the distribution of value-added products to reach a wider market share. That way, all elements of the village community actively contribute to building through activities that bring profit. The presence of the village government as an embodiment of local politics is optimized for its role in the management of BUMDes through collaboration with others as a form of Good Governance. This research found that the principles of Good Governance are important to be applied in the management of BUMDes so that the economic growth of the Village can be transformed into superior through Good Governance.</em></p> Triono Triono, Martin Purnama Chandra Copyright (c) Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF RECRUITMENT ARRANGEMENTS FOR MEMBERS OF INDEPENDENT STATE INSTITUTIONS AND NON-STRUCTURAL INSTITUTIONS <p><em>The establishment of several independent state institutions and non-structural institutions in the reform era has strengthened Indonesia as a democracy and a state of law. Its institutions which are independent from political influence and power of any party are very important for the growth of democracy. Uniform and patterned arrangements in the laws that form them are important factors to support the independence of carrying out their duties and functions. This study aims to compare the recruitment arrangements for members of the KPK, Ombudsman, KPPU, KPI, KPU and KASN in the laws that formed them. Normative juridical methods and literature are used by examining the substance of the six laws, as well as examining relevant information in the form of books and journals. The results of the study indicate that recruitment, which begins with the formation of a committee/selection team by the President/government, the implementation of the selection, the results are submitted to the President, then submitted to the DPR for election, and the elected candidate is submitted to the President for determination, applies to the membership of the KPK, Ombudsman, and KPU. Recruitment which begins with the formation of a selection team by the Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform, the implementation of the selection, the results of which are proposed to the President for stipulation, apply to KASN membership. Recruitment through elections by the DPR at the suggestion of the community and determined by the President at the proposal of the DPR applies to KPI membership. Recruitment through appointment by the President with the approval of the DPR applies to KPPU membership. There are arrangements for member recruitment patterns that vary between independent state institutions and non-structural institutions. For certainty and clarity of recruitment, it is necessary to make uniform arrangements among similar institutions.</em></p> Deni Nurdyana Hadimin, Tatang Sudrajat Copyright (c) Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 THE EFFECT OF THE QUALITY OF COMMUNITY SERVICE ON THE SATISFACTION OF CITIZENS (Quantitative Analysis Study in Central Antapani Village) <p><em>This research purpose to find out how the quality of community service and citizen satisfaction, as well as to know how the quality of community service on the satisfaction of citizens on the village of Antapani Central Bandung. Factor tested in the study were the quality of community service as a factor (X) or as an independent variable, and citizen satisfaction as a factor (Y) or as a dependent variable. Research methods in this study use descriptive and verifiative methods. This study the population is a resident of Central Antapani Village. The technique to determine the sample is non probability sampling with non parametric test techniques, so that number of research samples amounted to 100 people. The Anaysis method conducted in this study uses multiple linear regression with a significance level of 5%. The program used to process data analysis, researchers for social science (SPSS) Version 22. Based on the result of research compiled partially and simultaneously indicates that the quality of community service in providing an important role to the satisfaction of citizens is 73,3%.</em></p> Widyapuri Prasastiningtyas, Sardjijo Sardjijo, Yuni Kristiati Copyright (c) Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 PUBLIC RESPONSE ON SOCIAL MEDIA NARRATION (Case Study: #PercumaLaporPolisi) <p><em>This research </em><em>wait to aims to find out the public response to #PercumaLaporPolisi in the social media&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; dimension of Twitter. The method used is qualitative with a case study approach on #PercumaLaporPolisi. Data analysis uses Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis (CAQDS) with Nvivo 12plus software. Data is presented in the form of crosstab analysis and word cloud analysis. The results showed that in the narrative #PercumaLaporPolisi majority of the public responded with a negative tendency. The attitude came about because of public distrust of the performance of police and strongly condemned some of the actions of police officers. In addition, the public also responds with a positive tendency by showing a constructive attitude to the #PercumaLaporPolisi narrative.&nbsp;&nbsp; In a neutral tendency, the public responds&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; impartially to two sentiments, both positive and&nbsp;&nbsp; negative. And in word cloud analysis, the public response uses several words that are used as a discussion, such as police, #percumalaporpolisi, law, society, and other words. </em></p> Mohamad Sukarno, Utami Nur Copyright (c) Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 MULTICULTURAL COMMUNICATION MODEL IN JAMIKA TOLERANCE VILLAGE, BANDUNG CITY <p><em>The Tolerance Village in Jamika Village, Bandung City is a miniature of the diversity of tribes, religions, races and between groups that make it an Indonesian sari garden. This makes the uniqueness very interesting, because in recent times our diversity has been almost torn apart by the variety of hoax information and polarization due to differences in political choices. Cultural diversity in the tolerance village of Jamika cannot be separated from communication which is one of the keys in building interactions between multicultural residents. The aim of this research is to answer revealing the model of Multicultural Communication in the Tolerance Village of Jamika, to reveal the factors that influence multicultural communication, and to reveal the extent of the impact of multicultural communication in the tolerance village. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study tradition. The results showed that Multicultural Communication in the Jamika Tolerance Village, Bandung City, which was very diverse in terms of belief and ethnicity, was able to build harmoniously without any barriers. This natural multicultural communication model becomes a characteristic, unique and interesting in the midst of massive information bias, and a free and democratic political climate.</em></p> Nunung Sanusi, Adi Permana Sidik, Sandra Irawaty, Erwan Komara, Endang Diah Sari Copyright (c) Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 THE EFFECT OF LOCATION TARGETED INTERNET ADVERTISEMENT ON INSTAGRAM ADS TO GAIN POTENTIAL CUSTOMER FOR SERVICE BUSINESS (CASE STUDY: @KAGUMIBEAUTY_) <p><em>Attracting potential customer through internet advertisement is a common way in business nowadays. Different methods could cause different effect and effectiveness depends on the basic industry. Service business specifically beauty </em><em>service usually has local offline store and have needs to attract potential customer to have treatment on spot. The research put location targeted method on Instagram ads intend to observe the effectiveness to gain potential customer through internet advertisement. This research methodology using some advertisement methods combined but focus on location targeting effectiveness on Instagram ads tool. The research tested combined advertisement methods by focus on using specific scope of area location targeting from offline store of the business. The result show that large scope area targeted from the store shows good impression on the advertisement but not gaining potential customer. Otherwise, small scope area targeted from the store shows good impression on the advertisement and also gaining some potential customer to directly contact business account to ask about the service and/or directly booking for treatment. This research shows that location targeted internet advertisement on Instagram ads is a good method for service business specifically beauty service business with local offline store to gain potential customer through digital marketing.</em></p> Adriansyah Ekaputra, Widyapuri Prasastiningtyas, Barick A. Setiawan, Hayun Setiawan, Winda Febrianti, Finna Kharisma Putri Copyright (c) Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 INDEPENDENCE OF A REGION REVIEWED FROM THE CONTRIBUTION OF REGIONAL LEVIES ON REGIONAL OWN REVENUE IN TOLITOLI DISTRICT <p><em>This type of research is descriptive quantitative, which aims to determine the independence of a region through the contribution of regional levies to regional own revenue in Tolitoli Regency. This contribution provides an illustration of how much of the revenue aspect through local levies is on local revenue. The formulation used is the ratio of the realization of regional retribution and local revenue. The results of the study show that comprehensively, the trend of the contribution of regional retribution to regional own revenue income has increased every year. The contribution of regional levies to regional own revenue was 5.94% in 2016, 4.01% in 2017, 5.60% in 2018 and by 5.63% in 2019. However, in 2017 it decreased by 1, 93%. Based on its composition, the trend of these achievements fluctuated, decreased by 9% in 2016-2017 but the rest in the next two years increased, namely in 2017-2018 by 7% and in 2018-2019 by 1%. It can be concluded that the independence of the local government of Tolitoli Regency is quite good.</em></p> Edi Yanto, Moh. Sujai, Nurfitriana Nurfitriana, Moh. Sabran A, A.Irfan Efendi, Andhy Saputra Copyright (c) Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 ANALYSIS OF NOISE AND THE PUBLIC PERCEPTION ABOUT AIR TRANSPORT IN THE CITY WAMENA <p>The increase in the use of technology in the world of work has a significant impacton the optimization of workers. However, the use of technology also has an impact on occupational health and safety. One of them is high-intensity noise. The increasing need for the Wamena people for air transportation has made the Jayawijaya Regency Airport, located in the city of Wamena, improve flight services. Airport activities have the potential to cause noise. In the vicinity of airports, noise levels can affect hearing loss and the risk of psychological and health damage (heart, ears). Thus, this potential risk encourages governments between countries to make a policy that limits the export of noise from air transportation. This study uses a questionnaire method through data collection which is done by giving a set of written questions to respondents to answer, randomly selected, namely 200 workers and 200 students. From theresults of the questionnaire, it was found that the public's perception of noise at the Jayawijaya district airport, Wamena city, caused quite disturbing noise because many people experienced feelings of discomfort and hearing loss. In addition, it hurts psychological factors such as emotional disorders, lack of concentration, especially students and students during<br>the teaching and learning process. So it can be concluded that there is a relationship between noise and hearing loss in community activities.</p> Hardiyanti YM, Aprianto Soni, Vedrix Vernada, Nuraisyah Takdir, Siti LatifaWulandari, Novi Laka Buni Copyright (c) Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 ANALYSIS OF SALARY INFLUENCE ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE THROUGH MEDIATION MOTIVATION AND WELLBEING VARIABLES <p><em>The</em><em> purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the effect of salary on employee performance by mediating motivation and welbeeing. The object of research is factory employees in Purwakarta Regency, with 250 respondents in the research sample. The method used is the regression with Mediation from Andrew F. Hayess with Two Serials of Mediation. The results of the study indicate that salary affects Employee Performance, Motivation Mediates the Effect of Salary on Employee Performance. Wellbeing Does not mediate the Effect of Salary on Employee Performance, and Motivation and Wellbeing mediated the Effect of Salary on Employee Performance.</em></p> Osep Hijuzaman, Indra Gumelar, Adi Yusup Kurniawan, Ersa Rubiarti, Mekarisda Togatorop Copyright (c) Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 IMPACT OF THE DIGITAL SKILLS CONCEPT IN SOCIETY 5.0 ON PHARMACY STUDENTS READING COMPREHENSION <p><em>The purpose of this study was to document the impact of the Digital Skills Concept on society 5.0 for pharmacy students who use, manage, and learn digital skills in the reading classroom. In the era of society 5.0 which focuses on users of digital innovation, we really hope that people in this era will become people who are good at mastering digital technology. For pharmacy students, the process of designing, implementing, and writing a culminating project is an important part of using digital technology for learning. These projects typically require students to direct their own learning and to manage setbacks, obstacles, and challenges that arise. During the COVID-19 pandemic, pharmacy students must undergo a learning experience that prioritizes the use of digital technology. For three weeks, pharmacy students from the Indonesian language course completed an experimental project from the lecturer with another research project and in the third week they completed an online questionnaire consisting of demographic questions and three open-ended questions about their experiences using digital technology during reading while learning. The analysis involved several Likert scales with a score of 1 to 5 which resulted in categories and themes. At each stage, the researcher analyzed to produce categories and themes that emerged through several class discussions. Our survey respondents described the impact of their peak project progress in five main categories: LMS proficiency increased 5% , browsing proficiency increased 15%, presentation proficiency increased 8%, video conferencing proficiency increased 7%, and brainstorming proficiency increased 5%.The five categories of impacts that emerged from our participant responses may be useful for pharmacy program managers to consider in reviewing their program's response to the use of digital technology in the era of society 5.0 and making future plans to provide academic continuity in crisis situations as well as re-evaluating priorities and structures and support pharmacy students who are learning Indonesian as a whole moving forward.</em></p> Nuria Reny Hariyati Copyright (c) Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 VIRTUAL TOUR AS AN ALTERNATIVE FOR DESTINATION MARKETING DURING THE PANDEMIC OF COVID-19 <p><em>This study highlighted </em><em>the use of </em><em>Virtual Reality as a tool for a Tour Operators to promote a destination. During the pandemic of Covid-19 many destinations were not allowed to open for public. Hence, many people who work in the tourism industry were unemployed. Thus, the use of Virtual Reality to keep the destination alive can help people in the tourism industry. In this digital world and fast booming business environment it is imperative to keep up with competitors, thus businesses incorporate new technologies to enhance their products and services. Although, Virtual Reality or Augmented Reality is a relatively new technology that most businesses have started using to give their consumers a better experience of their services. The Tourism Sector has taken this technology to a whole new level. Tour Operators have started using this technology to offer their customers a life like experience of the destination they intend to travel to, prior to their visits. This strategy also helps to promote destinations so that people can still have their holiday at home. As a result, numerous Tour Operators have seen an increase in business as tourists seek out more services that assure them that their decisions are correct. The topic of virtual reality in tourism is as niche as the technology itself, and it can be explored from a variety of angles, including user friendliness, feasibility, cost, and support for businesses. Tourism, being a burgeoning and never-saturating industry, necessitates ongoing innovation to keep travelers interested in taking advantage of all the new services that Travel Agencies and Tour Operators can provide. Thus, the study elucidates the benefits of implementing Virtual Reality in the Tourism Business during the pandemic of Covid-19.</em></p> Sulistyo Budi Utomo, Triyonowati Triyonowati, Titik Mildawati Copyright (c) Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 LIMITED FACE-TO-FACE LEARNING POLICY SOCIALIZATION MODEL IN JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL <p><em>The spread of the coronavirus has decreased significantly in various regions, so the government has issued a limited face-to-face learning policy that can be carried out by the requirements set by the government. The purpose of this study was to determine the socialization model of limited face-to-face learning policies in junior high schools. The research method used qualitative through qualitative descriptive. The research was conducted at a State Junior High School in Merauke. Sample selection was the purposive sampling technique. The 70 participants consisted of the Head of the Merauke Regency Education Office, school principals, teachers, parents, and students. Data collection techniques used observation, interviews, and documents. The data analysis technique consists of the stages of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and concluding. The validity of the data consists of credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability. The data findings conclude that the limited face-to-face learning socialization model that has been carried out in junior high schools is in the form of interactive dialogue with all parties, namely teachers, parents, and students. Socialization activities are carried out in stages using video conferencing. The contents of the socialization provided to teachers, parents and students are adjusted to the needs. Socialization to teachers is directed at the concept of the content of the limited face-to-face learning policy and the process of implementing learning in the classroom. Socialization to parents is directed at the contents of the limited face-to-face learning policy. The students get information related to the implementation of learning activities in the classroom and various rules that must be obeyed by students. The results of this study have implications for the understanding of all parties regarding the limited face-to-face learning rules so that the spread of the Coronavirus does not occur in schools.</em></p> Novi Rismawati, Ivan Hanafi, Siti Zulaikha Copyright (c) Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 EVALUATION OF THE COMPETENCY CERTIFICATION PROGRAM OF THE NATIONAL PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATION BOARD IN VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL <p><em>Globalization has demanded the competence of qualified Vocational High School graduates so that teachers must also have certification competencies. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to obtain the results of the evaluation of the competency certification program from the National Professional Certification Board for teachers. The research method uses qualitative through the CIPP model (context, input, process, and product). The research was conducted at a State Vocational High School in Bekasi. Sample selection was done using the purposive sampling technique. 15 participants were consisting of school principals and teachers. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documents. The data analysis technique consists of the stages of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and concluding. The data findings conclude that the teacher competency certification program in schools has been carried out according to the needs of education in vocational schools and the development of graduate demands. In the context aspect, it is concluded that the implementation of certification is carried out by the standard rules set by the government. In the input aspect, it is concluded that the National Professional Certification Board has qualified human resources by the scientific field. In the process aspect, it is known that the implementation of competency certification has been carried out under the operational standards owned by the institution. In the product aspect, it shows that teachers in vocational schools have competencies that can balance the needs of the industrial world for graduates.</em></p> Yuni Anggraeni Muharam, Suryadi Suryadi, Sarkadi Sarkadi Copyright (c) Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 EVALUATION OF THE ONLINE LEARNING SYSTEM DURING THE COVID-19 PENDEMIC PERIOD AT MADRASAH TSANAWIYAH <p><em>Online learning is the best way to provide education during the Covid-19 pandemic so that educational goals can still be achieved. Therefore, the implementation of online learning must be evaluated every semester to improve the quality of learning. The purpose of the study was to obtain the results of the evaluation of online learning at Madrasah Tsanawiyah. This study used the descriptive qualitative method. Sample selection was done using the purposive sampling technique. The participants were 50 people consisting of the principal, teachers and students. Data collection techniques consist of observation, documentation, and interviews. The data collection process included data collection, data reduction, data presentation and concluding. The results of the study indicate that the implementation of online learning that has been carried out at Madrasah Tsanawiyah in Bekasi has been carried out well and uses multimedia technology owned by students. The obstacles faced during the online learning process are facilities and infrastructure related to technology, the readiness of students and parents in providing internet networks, and students' understanding of the material being taught so that the learning outcomes achieved by students are not as good as before the Covid-19 pandemic. However, the results of this study still have implications for teachers in improving classroom management.</em></p> Amiruddin Muthi, Sugiarto Sugiarto, Sarkadi Sarkadi Copyright (c) Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 INTEGRATED QUALITY MANAGEMENT FOR BLENDED LEARNING IN ISLAMIC EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS <p><em>The integrated quality management process in Islamic educational institutions such as Madrasah Tsanawiyah plays an important role in maintaining quality education. The purpose of the study was to obtain an integrated quality assurance framework carried out at Madrasah Tsanawiyah in the blended learning process. The research method used qualitatively. The research was conducted at MTs Umdatur Rasikhien Jakarta. Sample selection was done using the purposive sampling technique. 20 participants were consisting of school principals, teachers and administrative staff. Data collection techniques used observation, interviews, and documents. The data analysis technique consists of the stages of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and concluding. The data findings conclude that the integrated quality management process in MTs has been carried out in a structured manner. The process of planning, implementing and evaluating various management activities at MTs has been carried out in stages and according to standard operating procedures. The integrated quality management that is carried out also has an impact on the quality of education that is getting better according to current global needs. The obstacle faced during the evaluation process of integrated quality management was communication between the management team which often led to different assumptions about the framework for improving the integrated quality management process for blended learning.</em></p> Abdullah Syahid Royyan, Supadi Supadi, Fakhrudin Arbah Copyright (c) Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 STUDENTS' INTEREST FACTORS IN USING E-BOOK AND E-LIBRARY AS LEARNING SOURCES DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC <p><em>This study aims to determine the factors of student interest in using&nbsp;e-books&nbsp;and&nbsp;digital libraries&nbsp;as learning resources during the Covid-19 pandemic. The factors of interest in using&nbsp;e-books&nbsp;and&nbsp;e-libraries in&nbsp;terms of the model&nbsp;Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology&nbsp;consisting of&nbsp;Behavioral Intention,&nbsp;Use Behavior,&nbsp;Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Social Influence, and Facilitating Condition. This research is survey research. The population in this study is the third-semester students in the 2021/2022 academic year with a total of 81 students. The sampling technique used is&nbsp;proportionate stratified random sampling&nbsp;with a sample size of 68 students. Collecting data in this study using a questionnaire. </em><em>The method of analysis uses factor analysis. The results of the KMO and Bartlett's Tests show a value of 0.571 with the value of Bartlett's Test of Sphericity (Sig.) being 0.000 and the results of the Measure of Sampling Adequacy Test showing the value of Anti Image Matrices Correlation &gt; 0.5, thus all variables are eligible for factor analysis. Two main factors can explain variations in student interest in using e-books and e-library learning resources, namely Performance Expectancy and Effort Expectancy. The eigenvalue component 1 (performance expectancy) of 2.209 became factor 1 and was able to explain 55.24% of the variation of interest, while the eigenvalue component of 2 (effort expectancy) of 1.186 became factor 2 and was able to explain 29.65% of the variation of interest. The total factor of performance expectancy and effort expectancy explaining student interest is 84.89%.</em></p> Komang Hari Santhi Dewi, I Nyoman Bagus Pramartha, I Putu Gede Abdi Sudiatmika Copyright (c) Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 POTENTIAL AND IMPACT OF TOURISM DEVELOPMENT POLICIES ON SOCIO-CULTURAL AND ECONOMIC LIFE IN THE WANGI WANGI COMMUNITY OF WAKATOBI REGENCY <p><em>The accelerating of the development of tourist areas, has been carried out by the establishment of</em> <em>10 tourist area destinations or known as the Top 10 National Tourism Priority.&nbsp; One of the priority tourist destinations is Wakatobi Tourism.&nbsp; This study aims to analyze potential and impact of tourism development policies on the socio-cultural and economic life of the people of Wakatobi Regency.&nbsp; The research uses a qualitative approach with data collection techniques through desk studies and interviews and observations.&nbsp; Data processing refers to the data processing and preparation model in a qualitative research approach and then analyzed with reference to domain and taxonomy analysis.&nbsp; The results showed that the tourism development policy in Wakatobi Regency that the potential for tourism development policies in Wakatobi Regency are underwater tourism, coastal-land tourism, and cultural tourism and the potential had a positive impact on improving community skills, transforming livelihoods, changing the level of life values, opening up business opportunities, employment, increasing income.&nbsp; Meanwhile, the negative impacts are the destruction of monuments and culture as well as historical places, the commercialization of culture and the erosion of cultural values ​​and societal norms.&nbsp; For this reason, cooperation between the government, the community and the business world is needed, in managing the tourism of Wangi Wangi Island in particular and Wakatobi Regency in general.</em></p> Zulfiah Larisu, Jamal Bake, Muhammad Syahwan Ode Copyright (c) Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 APPLICATION USING ANDROID-BASED FIREBASE AND JETPACK SERVICES FOR THESIS GUIDANCE <p><em>The final project or thesis is a scientific work compiled by a student at each university. The STIKOM Bali Institute of Technology and Business in the lecture process also requires students to make a final project as one of the requirements for student graduation. In the face-to-face guidance process, students take notes using a progress guidance card from the guidance carried out. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a change in the learning paradigm in all fields, one of which is the thesis guidance process. In practice, this final project guidance activity is carried out by discussing, asking questions, providing input and other activities. However, the lecturer as a one-time supervisor does not only guide one student. Thesis guidance which was initially carried out face-to-face had to be done online either by using an online meeting platform or by using the existing system at ITB Stikom Bali, but the system was built using the website at the link id/guidance.aspx is only limited to supervising lecturers and part of the Study Program, not accessible to students. In face-to-face guidance and online media students will take notes using a guidance card manually, from that problem the researcher intends to create a guidance card application that can be accessed online and in real time. With Firebase, application developers can focus on developing applications without having to buy a server that is quite expensive. Firebase has conveniences such as google authentication, realtime database, push notification, and cloud computing services. Based on the results of calculations from the Likert scale, the authors conclude that the level of user satisfaction in terms of benefits ranges from 88.5% which is categorized as satisfied, in terms of effectiveness, it is obtained 91.1% which is categorized as very satisfied, in terms of interface, it is obtained 86.5% which is categorized as very satisfied and in terms of content, 89% were categorized as very satisfied</em></p> I Putu Gede Abdi Sudiatmika, Komang Hari Santhi Dewi, A.A. Raka Jayaningsih, Wayan Widya Artana Copyright (c) Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 DEVELOPMENT OF CRITICAL PEDAGOGY IN INDONESIAN ISLAMIC EDUCATION <p><em>Critical pedagogy perspectives are currently being promoted in educational technology to advocate inclusion and social justice. However, little has been considered about the prospects of implementing it in the pesantren (Islamic boarding schools) education system. This research investigates the contribution of Paulo Freire's ideas in developing the pesantren as an indigenous Indonesian educational institution that has experienced marginalization. The study used a semi-systematic or narrative review to examine various theoretical literature and empirical researches, then analyzed all source materials using content analysis techniques. The findings reveal that pesantren has developed Freirean critical pedagogy in adult education training to increase critical awareness, encourage civil society participation, break the culture of silence, and communicate people's aspirations through various media and technologies. The study argues that pesantren in the future can integrate critical pedagogy and educational technology to develop their education system and strengthen democracy in the digital era.</em></p> Bina Adi Prakosa, Suharno Suharno, Akhmad Arif Musadad Copyright (c) Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 ANALYSIS OF PUBLIC OPINION SENTIMENT ON COVID-19 VACCINE BASED ON SOCIAL MEDIA <p><em>The final project or thesis is a scientific work compiled by a student at each university. The STIKOM Bali Institute of Technology and Business in the lecture process also requires students to make a final project as one of the requirements for student graduation. In the face-to-face guidance process, students take notes using a progress guidance card from the guidance carried out. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a change in the learning paradigm in all fields, one of which is the thesis guidance process. In practice, this final project guidance activity is carried out by discussing, asking questions, providing input and other activities. However, the lecturer as a one-time supervisor does not only guide one student. Thesis guidance which was initially carried out face-to-face had to be done online either by using an online meeting platform or by using the existing system at ITB Stikom Bali, but the system was built using the website at the link id/guidance.aspx is only limited to supervising lecturers and part of the Study Program, not accessible to students. In face-to-face guidance and online media students will take notes using a guidance card manually, from that problem the researcher intends to create a guidance card application that can be accessed online and in real time. With Firebase, application developers can focus on developing applications without having to buy a server that is quite expensive. Firebase has conveniences such as google authentication, realtime database, push notification, and cloud computing services. Based on the results of calculations from the Likert scale, the authors conclude that the level of user satisfaction in terms of benefits ranges from 88.5% which is categorized as satisfied, in terms of effectiveness, it is obtained 91.1% which is categorized as very satisfied, in terms of interface, it is obtained 86.5% which is categorized as very satisfied and in terms of content, 89% were categorized as very satisfied</em></p> Ida Ayu Gde Suwiprabayanti Putra, Dian Rahmani Putri Copyright (c) Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 THE POLICY OF MERDEKA BELAJAR KAMPUS MERDEKA (MBKM) IN SYNERGY WITH SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS (SDGs) TO REALIZE QUALITY EDUCATION ON SOCIETY 5.0 <p><em>Fundamentally, Globalization has altered how people work in virtually every facet of life, including higher education. Due to the rigidity of Indonesia's higher education system, the quality of teaching and learning is not optimal. On the other hand, the industrial revolution 4.0 era (digitalization) necessitates the advancement of higher education to meet contemporary challenges. In the education sector, H.E. Mr. Nadiem Makarim initiated Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) with 8 principles that can solve classic problems, namely human resources. This research aims to examine the relationship between MBKM and Quality Education to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This research uses a qualitative analysis approach, where the researcher acts as a participant-observer and thus becomes a valid data source in the field. Through MBKM, campuses carry out capacity building and the formation of intellectual personal characters by focusing on the quality of human resources. Not only from educators, but campuses also facilitate collaboration in soft skills training with the private sector as well as the formation of competencies that are formally certified legal. In this way, MBKM becomes a policy adjustment strategy to produce quality people output according to the Education Quality standards in the SDGs. This achievement is assessed from the competency standards of graduates and how they can behave as a Society 5.0. The importance of applying MBKM principles in its implementation in higher education to realize Quality Education with human resources that transforms into a great Society 5.0.</em></p> Hersusetiyati Hersusetiyati, Martin Purnama Chandra Copyright (c) Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 THE EFFECT OF PARENTING SELF EFFICACY AND FAMILY SUPPORT ON PSYCHOLOGICAL WELLBEING OF THE MOTHER WHO HAVE CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS <p><em>This study aims to determine the effect of parentig self-efficacy and family support on the psychological well-being of mothers who have children with special&nbsp;&nbsp; needs. This study uses a quantitative method with a correlational design. The subjects in this study were mothers who have children with special needs who attend SLB-C Santa Lusia. The mother’s classification of children with special needs are mentally retarded, deaf, physically handicapped and autism. This study uses the parenting self-efficacy scale, family support scale and psychological well-being scale. The result of the study were analyzed descriptively and statistically. The statistical analysis used were Spearman Rank correlation and multiple linear regression. The result of the Spearman Rank correlation found that parenting self- efficacy and family support had a significant relationship with psychological well-being. This study also found that parenting self-efficacy and family support simultaneously have an influence on the psychological well-being of mothers who have children with special needs. The results of the multiple linear regression test obtained a coefficient of determination (R²) of 0.539 or 53.9%, meaning that the parenting self-efficacy and family support variables contributed to the psychological well-being of 53.9% while 46.1% was influenced by other variables not examined in this research.</em></p> Amelia Safitri Zulkarnaen, Magdalena Hanoum, Agustina Ekasari, Alfiana Indah, Siti Nurhidayah, Lucky Purwantini Copyright (c) Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 HOW TO OVERCOME TRANSACTIONAL DISTANCE EFFECT ON ONLINE LEARNING DURING COVID-19 PANDEMIC <p><em>This study examines transactional distance in online learning during the covid-19 pandemic. Aspects related to student learning independence, lecture design structure, especially dialogue/interaction between students and lecture content, students and equipment, students and lecturers, and between students are the main focus of studies that can provide alternative actions to overcome the effects of transactional distance. A survey involving 35 students majoring in mathematics education, FKIP,</em> <em>Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa</em><em> University</em><em>, contracted the Research Methodology course. More specific information regarding transactional distance was then obtained through semi-structured interviews supported by a digital track record during lectures through the online learning system (SPADA). A qualitative approach with the case study method was chosen to describe the transactional distance explicitly. The results showed that students experienced transactional distance during online lectures with 76.57% learner-content interaction, 77.14% leaner-device, 76.00% leaner-lecturer, and 80.57% learner-leaner. The difference in the level of interaction between these aspects shows differences in students' level of satisfaction and comfort, which is the basis for determining how to overcome the effects of transactional distance. </em></p> Sukirwan Sukirwan, Hepsi Nindiasari, Cecep Anwar Hadi Firdaos Santosa Copyright (c) Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 PERCEPTIONS OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHERS IN BANTEN PROVINCE ON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL MATHEMATICS TEACHING BOOK GAKKO TOSHO <p><em>This study aims to determine the perception of elementary school teachers towards mathematics textbooks published by GAKKO TOSHO Japan which will be used by elementary schools through the Sekolah Penggerak program from The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, Republic of Indonesia. The aspects assessed by the teachers include content, presentation, language, students, and teachers. A total of 20 teachers from eight districts/cities in Banten Province were involved in this study. Research data were obtained through questionnaires and structured interviews. The results showed that 70% said very well and 25% said good, while the rest said it was good enough. From the presentation aspect, 55% said very well, 40% said good, and 5% said sufficient. From the linguistic aspect, 40% said very well, 45% said good, and 15% said sufficient. From the students' perspective, 75% said very well and 25% said good. Finally, from the teacher's perspective, 60% said very good, 30% said good, 5% said less, and 5% said very poorly. Of the five aspects, the lowest perception is the language and teacher aspect. The teacher finds it difficult to learn the book plots (learning trajectories) in the teacher's book.</em></p> Cecep Anwar Hadi Firdos Santosa, Sukirwan Sukirwan, Hepsi Nindiasari, Novaliyosi Novaliyosi, Yani Setiani, Etika Khaerunnisa Copyright (c) Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 COMMUNITY-BASED TOURISM DEVELOPEMENT IN IMPROVING COMMUNITY WELFARE IN THE MANDALIKA SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE <p><em>Community based tourism is developed based on the balance and conformity of stakeholder from multiple agencies including government, private entities and community. The development of community-based tourism, theoretically, emphasis on the tourism development ‘from community, by community, and for community’ in order to achieve the improvement of community welfare. Therefore, the development should be holistic both in the development of infrastructure in facilities and amenities and also the development of human resources through education, health support etc. The research aims to find direct connection (impact) of community-based tourism to community welfare in the Mandalika Special Economic Zone. This is associative research on community-based tourism employs primary and secondary data through observation, interview and in-depth interview. The data collection went through SEM-PLS, particularly with Likert Scale. Meanwhile, the sample of the research were both tourist and business owners of 257 people in the Mandalika Special Economic Zone in Central Lombok. The results and findings indicate that the development of community-based tourism is a leading factor in the formation of community welfare in the area. This is a prove of the development of community-based tourism has significant and direct impact towards community welfare. </em></p> Triana Lidona Aprilani, Mimi Cahayani Copyright (c) Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 QUALITY OF SERVICE IN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE FOR TRANSFER OF NAME OF CERTIFICATE OF PROPRIETARY RIGHTS TO LAND AT THE OFFICE OF LAND IN KABUPATEN BEKASI <p><em>Land service is one part of administrative services which is a negative issue in its implementation. Problems with the length of the service process, high costs and extortion are often carried out by officers and cause the quality of land services to be considered poor. This research was conducted with the aim of describing how the quality of service management for reversing the name of the certificate of transfer of land rights at the Kabupaten Bekasi Land Office. By using data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation. to find out the Service Quality of the Procedure for the Transfer of Title to Land Title Certificates at the Bekasi Regency Land Office. The results of the study indicate that: (1) The Procedure for Transfer of Title to Land Title Certificates can be carried out through several stages, namely: registration of land rights certificates, examination of files at the Land Office, payment of land rights registration fees, processing, recording and correspondence. with a period of 7 to 20 days, issuance of a certificate.</em></p> Amanda Morlian, Neneng Fauziah, Ainun Islamiyati Copyright (c) Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 DESIGNING A HOLISTIC AND STRATEGIC MODEL FOR INDONESIA PRIVATE HIGHER EDUCATION <p><em>The idea of ​​this research is to create a holistic governance planning concept for Indonesian private universities, as well as architectural designs by elaborating Total Quality Management (TQM) with a higher education quality assurance system approach established by the National Accreditation Board for Indonesian Higher Education. Education (APT 4.0) is combined with the implementation of value creation-based private university strategies such as branding, R&amp;D, technology, collaboration, customers, and public relations. In this study, the TOGAF ADM approach will be implemented to build the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) architecture for Holistic Governance of Private Universities in Indonesia using the Design Science Research (DSR) method. And when we made the ERP design, we chose three main entities (Main activities, Support, and Strategy), which resulted in 20 sub-entities, then determined the design of each entity in the form of graphs and flows. Furthermore, this research will design a network concept and a Blueprint for the Holistic Governance Design of Indonesian Private Universities.</em></p> <p><em>According to the findings, the architectural design must be carried out with a common objective, based on the consistent implementation of Good Governance, the commitment of all university management and the academic community, the business processes that exist within the organization are actually understood, and able to identify the requirements of existing private universities completely and appropriately. Finally, the ERP model provides direction in developing a design for the university's Academic and Non-Academic Information Systems for data, applications, business, and technology.</em></p> Singagerda Faurani Santi, Herwanto R, Sari Novita, Desfiandi Andi Copyright (c) Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 THE PROCESS OF TRAINING PROGRAM AT INTERNATIONAL MANPOWER DEVELOPMENT JAPAN <p><em>The purpose of the study was to obtain the concept of the training process at International Manpower Development Japan. This study used a qualitative approach through a survey. The research was conducted in Bekasi, West Java, Lampung and Central Java. The sampling technique used was total sampling because the entire population was used as a sample. There were 150 participants. The data analysis technique consists of steps; data selection, data tabulation, and concluding. The results of the study concluded that all training activities through the internship process had been carried out very well and were relevant to the current changes in human life, especially in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic. In addition, the training is carried out according to the needs of the business world and the background of the participants. The results of the study also have a positive impact on the concept of training in the form of internships so that participants' competencies are directly practised in the field or the company.</em></p> Edi Waryono, Masduki Ahmad, Desi Rahmawati Copyright (c) Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 THE PRACTICE OF REFLECTIVE VIDEO-LOGGING IN TEACHING EAP SPEAKING FOR PHARMACY STUDENTS <p><em>Among the four skills in learning English, speaking skill is often considered as one of the most challenging skills for students. Many aspects contributed to the development of this assumption that speaking in English is the most difficult skill compared to the other 3 skills, both from speaking itself and internal factors of the students. So, new breakthroughs are needed in teaching speaking to help students improve both speaking skills and confidence in speaking using English. This study aims to examine the implementation of a reflective video-logging in teaching speaking at Akademi Farmasi Surabaya. The main subjects of this study were pharmacy students, who took English as a Compulsory Course, and three English lecturers. Data were collected through observation and questionnaires filled out by students and lecturers. Generally, the results of this research showed that the technical application of reflective video-log is different for each lecturer. The difference can be seen from the technique of collecting the videos and providing feedback to students. In addition, there are similarities regarding video content that must be made by students, which is reflections on learning activities at the previous meeting. Meanwhile, student responses showed positive results regarding the application of reflective video-logs in speaking activity. Further research is recommended to see the effectiveness of video-logging in improving students' speaking skills. </em></p> Ria Lusiyani Copyright (c) Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 IN VITRO TEST OF GASTROPOD SHELL CHITOSAN ON SAVING PERIOD AND QUALITY OF GREEN APPLE FRUIT (Pyrus malus L.) <p><em>Green apple can rot for 30 days t room temperature storage, it is necessary to use gastropod shell chitosan, which can be a natural preservative. The objectives of this study were to determine the shelf life of green apple (Pyrus malus L.) using gastropod shell chitosan and to know how the effect of variations of chitosan concentration on the shelf life and quality of green apple (Pyrus malus L.) (texture, aroma, &amp; color) and shrinkage weight. The research method used in this study was true experimental by making variations in the solution of gastropod shell chitosan and coating of green apple. The process of making chitosan was carried out in several stages, namely deproteination, demineralization, depigmentation, and chitin deacetylation. Dyeing of green apple was done by varying the concentration of chitosan 500 ppm, 600 ppm, 700 ppm, and control solutions. This study used descriptive qualitative and quantitative data analysis. The results of this study showed that the average shrinkage weight of green apples in the variation of control concentration of 15.89% could last for 30 days, a concentration of 500 ppm of 31.74% could last for 55 days, at a concentration of 600 ppm of 32.82% could last for 60 days, and at a concentration of 700 ppm of 49.76% could last for 65 days and the variation of the best concentration of chitosan was concentration of 700 ppm which can extend the fruit shelf life.</em></p> Umarudin Umarudin, Febi Gresimoni Aricahyo, Anisa Rizki Amalia Copyright (c) Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE ROLE SUPERVISION OF HEAD MASTER THROUGH INCREASING TEACHER’S PERFORMANCE AT MADRASAH IBTIDAIYAH NURUL ASYROF LAMPUNG INDONESIA 2022 <p><em>Supervision is carried out by the headmaster of the madrasa who serves as a supervisor; the implementation of the supervision is principled out of democratic, scientific, cooperative, constructive, and professional principles. This will be more effective in improving the teacher’s performance. The implementation of the supervision that was implemented at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Nurul Asyrof can be carried out properly in accordance with its principles. This research is qualitative research, with a descriptive approach that aims to obtain information about the effectiveness of the supervision role of the Kepala Madrasah, sometimes called by the headmaster in order to improve teacher’s performance at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Nurul Asyrof.</em><em> Data&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;was&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;obtained&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;through&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;observation,&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; interviews,&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; and&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; also&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; documentation. The result of this study indicates the effectiveness of the role of supervision in order to improve teachers’ performance at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Nurul Asyrof Lampung, Indonesia is democratic, scientific, cooperative, constructive, and professional.</em></p> Medi Yansyah, Subhan Subhan, Tauhid Tauhid, Fungky Marian, Hesti Hesti, Meryna Putri Utami Copyright (c) Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 ANALYSIS OF CLIENT COMPLEXITY AND PROFITABILITY ON AUDIT FEE <p><em>The purpose of this research is to look into the impact of client complexity and profitability on audit fees in basic and chemical manufacturing businesses listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) from 2015 to 2019. All manufacturing enterprises in the industrial sector are included in this study's population. During the period 2015-2019, basic and chemical products were listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). During the research period, samples were collected using a purposive sampling strategy based on certain criteria. The amount of data that can be processed based on the criteria that were identified using panel data is 65. Multiple linear regression is the analytical method employed, while Eviews 9 is used to process it. Client complexity has a positive effect on audit fees, according to the findings of this research. Meanwhile, the occurence of audit fees is unaffected by profitability.</em></p> Kamilah Sa’diah, Sari Mujiani, Siti Wardah Pratidina Nasution Copyright (c) Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 THE INFLUENCE OF WORK-LIFE BALANCE AND WORK ENVIRONMENT ON JOB SATISFACTION WITH BURNOUT AS INTERVENING OF MILENIAL EMPLOYEES DURING COVID-19 PANDEMIC IN BEKASI DISTRICT <p><em>Job satisfaction is one of the important roles for the sustainability of an organization. In nurturing job satisfaction, organizations must pay attention to the quality of employees because job satisfaction is one of the standards for employees for the work they do and for the company where they work. The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of work-life balance and work environment on job satisfaction with burnout as a mediating variable. This study utilized a quantitative method with millennial generation employees in Bekasi Regency as the sample with a total of 96 respondents. This research used SmartPLS data processing software and the data collection was done through Google Form. This study shows that there was no significant influence of work-life balance on job satisfaction of millennial employees during Covid-19 Pandemic in Bekasi Regency, there was a positive and significant influence of work environment on job satisfaction of millennial employees during Covid-19 Pandemic in Bekasi Regency, there was negative and significant influence of burnout on job satisfaction of millennial employees during Covid-19 Pandemic in Bekasi Regency, there was a negative and significant influence of work-life balance on burnout, there was a negative and significant influence of work environment on burnout of millennial employees during Covid-19 Pandemic in Bekasi Regency, and a finding about burnout that could mediate work-life balance and work environment negatively and significantly on the job satisfaction of millennial employees during Covid-19 Pandemic in Bekasi Regency. </em></p> Cut Andriani Zulkarnain, Retno Purwani Setyaningrum Copyright (c) Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 STRATEGIES TO IMPROVE EMPLOYEE WORK PERFORMANCE THROUGH CAREER DEVELOPMENT, JOB SATISFACTION AND WORK ENVIRONMENT AT ONE OF THE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN SURABAYA <p><em>Work Performance is an achievement of the work done by a person in completing tasks entrusted to him based on competence, experience and earnestness and time.This research method uses quantitative methods with explanatory research types.The subject of this study is an employee of PT. LMA Surabaya Branch which numbers 32 employees.</em> <em>Results using multiple linear regression analysis showed that there was a significant influence between variables simultaneously Career Development (X1), Job Satisfaction (X2), Work Environment (X3) on Work Performance (Y) known significance level of 0.000 and coefficient of determination of 0.726 (72.6%).While through the test t it is known that of the free variables consisting of career development, job satisfaction and work environment to work performance only career development variable (X1) shows a value of 2,077 with a significant 0.000 which shows a partially significant influence on employee work performance (Y).</em> <em>One of the facts on the ground that employee work performance lies in career development, job satisfaction and work environment, this can be seen from the results of the answers - respondent questionnaire answers to questions of career development variables, job satisfaction and work environment.</em></p> Novianto Eko Nugroho, Dewi Maryam Copyright (c) Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 IN VITRO EFFICACY OF VARIOUS CONCENTRATIONS OF COCONUT SHELL LIQUID SMOKE AGAINST FUSARIUM OXYSPORUM F. Sp. LYCOPERSICI <p><em>Fusarium oxysporum F. sp. lycopersici is one of a fungi that causes wilt disease in tomato plants. To overcome this problem is by developing bioactive agents, namely coconut shell liquid smoke, which contains phenolic compounds, organic acids and alcohol that act as antibacterial and antifungal agents. The purpose of this study was to determine the efficacy of coconut shell liquid smoke in inhibiting the growth of F. oxysporum F. Sp. lycopersici in vitro. The design used was a non-factorial completely randomized design (CRD) consisting of 6 treatments and 3 replications with coconut shell liquid smoke factor (A), consisting of 6 levels, namely A0: 0% (Control), A1: 2%, A2: 4%, A3: 6%, A4: 8% and A5: 10%. Parameters observed were colony diameter, percentage of colony relative inhibition, sporulation and growth compatibility of Fusarium oxysporum F. sp. lycopersici with coconut shell liquid smoke. The results showed that coconut shell liquid smoke had a very significant effect on colony diameter and colony relative resistance percentage. Coconut shell liquid smoke had a very significant effect on colony diameter at concentrations of A4 (8%) and A5 (10%), while the percentage of relative inhibition of colonies in A4 and A5 treatments with 90% inhibition. Liquid smoke also affects the sporulation and growth compatibility of Fusarium oxysporum F. sp. lycopersici in treatment A4 (8%) and A5 (10%) each had a percentage of 0 with 100% inhibition.</em></p> Chairudin Chairudin, Sumeinika Fitria Lizmah, Agustinur Agustinur, Dwi Purnomo, Irvan Subandar Copyright (c) Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 POSITION OF THE QUR’AN AS A THEOREMS OF FIQH <p><em>Fiqh law is one of the shari'a laws that are amaliyah (practical) and based on syar'i theorems. One of the syar'i theorems is the Qur’an. The position of the Qur'an as a theorems for the law of fiqh is in the first place, followed by other arguments. </em><em>This is because the Qur'an is the revelation of Allah which contains the law and is conveyed to us in a qath'i way.</em> <em>In terms of its position as a legal theorem, the Qur'an only shows the basic principles that lead a Muslim in a certain direction, where he can find answers on his own. </em><em>Because the Qur'an does not try to be pan-legistic, that is. establishes all the details of the rule of law, but the Qur'an only offers a model of rules or laws that can be drafted for the future.</em></p> Abdullah Abdullah Copyright (c) Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 ANALYSIS OF THE TILT ANGLE OF THE PULLEY DRIVER ON TRACTION AND ACCELERATION PERFORMANCE <p><em>Currently, many people use motorcycles with automatic transmissions. At first automatic transmission motorcycles were only used for women because this type of motorcycle was also very easy to operate and easy to control in all motorcycle variants (Wibowo, Ranto, &amp; MW, 2007). Actually, the difference between automatic motorcycles and other types is only in the transmission system. The transmission system on automatic motorcycles is part of a difference called CVT (Continuously Variable Transmission). In the CVT (Continuously Variable Transmission) system, the engine performance is getting heavier. And the efficacy of the engine is on the engine power which is not much compared to the class of all motorcycles (Sandy Adam Mahaputra, 2011). The definition in this study is to overcome the weakness of engine performance in the CVT system that many customers complain about. This research study is focused on comparing vehicle acceleration with engine traction power between modified driver pulleys and standard driver pulleys using a dyno performance test tool (dynamometer).</em></p> Jatira Jatira, Dede Ardi Rajab, Choirul Anwar, Rd. Aldi Hardiana Lukman Copyright (c) Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 WHY ARE SO MANY SCOPUS INDEXED JOURNALS DISCONTINUED? A CRITICAL REVIEW OF INDONESIAN AUTHOR'S ARTICLES <p><em>Publication in Scopus indexed journals is the main requirement in various academic activities in Indonesia. Ironically, there are many articles by Indonesian authors published in Scopus indexed journals which were later discontinued. The purpose of this study was to analyze the weaknesses of Indonesian authors' articles in discontinued Scopus&nbsp; indexed journals. This study used the critical review method, which is an evaluation of the ideas, concepts, methods, premises, arguments, and conclusions of the study. The research sample is a number of scientific articles that were randomly selected in Scopus indexed journal publications in 2019-2021. The results showed several weaknesses in scientific articles written by mostly Indonesian writers are like weak arguments, inappropriate research methods, literature reviews that did not match the premise, and small number of references. In addition, many writers do not master the systematics of journal writing and have weak academic writing skills. These factors have caused the article quality to be low and the journal discontinued by Scopus.</em></p> Henry H.Loupias, Sari Mujiani Copyright (c) Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0700 CSR’ MANAGEMENT STRATEGY OF PERTAMINA TOWARD STREET CHILDREN’S EMPOWERMENT PROGRAM <p>The present research aims to analyze the strategies of PT Pertamina Hulu Offshore North West Java (PHE ONWJ) for managing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the 5R</p> <p>++ (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Resale and Reshare) of street children’ development program. The present study applied a descriptive qualitative approach by conduction in- depth interviews toward several selected informants as well as observation and documentation. The results of present study showed that Pertamina Hulu Energi ONWJ has a TJS manual for explaining the concept of company management which includes policies at every stage of the company's CSR implementation in order to maintain the effectiveness of program. The main elements of a company's CSR management system include Planning, Implementation / Implementation and Inspection / Evaluation.</p> Dzia Anjani, Tin Hartini, Reza Anggriyashati Adara Copyright (c) Mon, 31 Jan 2022 00:00:00 +0700