Planned Granulated Palm Sugar Business Development as a Program to Strengthen the Economy of Hargotirto Village Kulon Progo

  • Sri Gunawan
  • Mohammad Juremi Suhartono
  • Olivia Elfatma
  • Nur Azizah Uswatun Hasanah
  • Yuliana Debora Anggraini
Keywords: Granulated Palm Sugar, Business, Economy, Packaging, Poverty


Hargotirto Village is one of ten villages with the highest poverty rate in Kulon Progo Regency. Granulated palm sugar is the primary product of the village. It has a business-to-business (B2B) marketing strategy. Products are distributed to market stalls and partly to collectors to be reprocessed by a manufacturer. To package granulated palm sugar, producers only use polypropylene plastic. These circumstances lead to products with less value added. The study goals are to identify the state of the granulated palm sugar business and formulate strategies to enhance the local economy and the added value of granulated palm sugar. The research methodology involved observation, interviews, product trials, and questionnaires. The findings indicated that granulated palm sugar is offered for sale in one-kilogram-sized packages. Most products are produced individually, not in groups like the Farmer Women's Group (KWT). The product variations are made to fit local commodities, like ginger and turmeric. A program that can be implemented to increase the added value of products is redesigning packaging in a way that is economical, attractive, and informative. Additionally, widen the product varieties in keeping with the commodity potentials around Hargotirto Village such as lime, moringa, and coffee. The local economy can be improved by identifying the right target market and empowering businesses through KWT and the Village-Owned Enterprise (BUMDes). They may help to facilitate marketing and sales activities. As recommendations, product trials must be conducted from the sensory, packaging, and marketing aspects of the specified target market prior to product launch.

Author Biographies

Sri Gunawan

Prodi Agroteknologi, Institut Pertanian Stiper, Sleman, Indonesia

Mohammad Juremi Suhartono

Prodi Pembibitan Kelapa Sawit, Akademi Komunitas Perkebunan Yogyakarta, Sleman, Indonesia

Olivia Elfatma

Prodi Pemeliharaan Kelapa Sawit, Akademi Komunitas Perkebunan Yogyakarta, Sleman, Indonesia

Nur Azizah Uswatun Hasanah

Prodi Pemeliharaan Kelapa Sawit, Akademi Komunitas Perkebunan Yogyakarta, Sleman, Indonesia

Yuliana Debora Anggraini

Akademi Komunitas Perkebunan Yogyakarta, Sleman, Indonesia
